Mar 28, 2004 19:34
heroicfailure97: :-)
pickyeater88: hey!!
momodebater: I got sick of pasting!
heroicfailure97: hi!
pickyeater88: yeah i'm sure
heroicfailure97: lol. SURE john
momodebater: why does everyone doubt the guy
heroicfailure97: because guys are inferior and have no reasoning skills.
heroicfailure97: duh.
pickyeater88: cuz your a guy and your dumb
momodebater: lol
momodebater: we don't get pissy once a month though
pickyeater88: remember yesterday
heroicfailure97: i get pissy all the time.
momodebater: :-)
heroicfailure97: don't blame mother nature for my personality.
momodebater: you said it not me
heroicfailure97: haha.
heroicfailure97: i know.
pickyeater88: thats ok dont worry about it
heroicfailure97: so, amber
pickyeater88: yes
heroicfailure97: you and john should totally get married.
momodebater: lol
heroicfailure97: then you can be a mormon debate couple.
pickyeater88: lol
pickyeater88: lol
pickyeater88: oh my...
heroicfailure97: and you could, like, hand out pamplets at tournaments
momodebater: lol
momodebater: you know you want me Amber
heroicfailure97: and bring your babies to team practices.
pickyeater88: about not having sex
pickyeater88: before marriage
heroicfailure97: lol yes.
momodebater: c'mon Amber we can get married and have 1465476456 kids together
momodebater: doesn't that sound enjoyable
pickyeater88: well my hubby is going to have to give it to me a lot
pickyeater88: cuz i'm gonna call him home from work and say hey i'm horny now!!!!pickyeater88: ok ...
heroicfailure97: ...HAHAHAHA
heroicfailure97: oh lord
momodebater: lol
heroicfailure97: amber
heroicfailure97: i'm totally printing that out
heroicfailure97: and passing it around 5th period.
pickyeater88: NO!!!!!!!!
momodebater: lmao!
heroicfailure97: HAHAHA.
heroicfailure97: and around the tournament next weekend.
pickyeater88: well i will do that when i'm married
heroicfailure97: (not really, but still...hahahahaahaha)
pickyeater88: lol
momodebater: wow maybe I could marry you
pickyeater88: you really wanna leave work to come do it w/ me when i'm horny
momodebater: that's the kind of woman I need
momodebater: yeah
momodebater: or you could visit me at work
heroicfailure97: and do it on the desk.
heroicfailure97: in the words of jud, "kinky"
pickyeater88: i dont know if people would appreciate those noises
heroicfailure97: EVERYONE appreciates those noises
pickyeater88: oh ok
momodebater: I love those noises!
momodebater: especially under the dome
momodebater: lol
pickyeater88: why under the dome
momodebater: because it echo's
momodebater: you could here it in the cafeteria
heroicfailure97: ...y'all should totally hit it under the dome.
momodebater: show Amber how to really orgasm
momodebater: lol
pickyeater88: i think mines just fine thanx
heroicfailure97: ...mmhmm. like you could, momo.
momodebater: ouch that hurt
heroicfailure97: and you liked it.
momodebater: you know it
heroicfailure97: :-P
momodebater: I like it rough
heroicfailure97: i know you do. you told me last night.
pickyeater88: wow you guys talk about this often
heroicfailure97: lol. not really.
momodebater: nope
pickyeater88: ok i was a bit worried
heroicfailure97: afraid i'd steal your man?
pickyeater88: yeah i was
pickyeater88: then i couldn't have my 1002389741340782139487 babies
heroicfailure97: i know. and that would be a tragedy.
momodebater: lol
momodebater: yay!
pickyeater88: yeah i know
momodebater: I'm being fought over
pickyeater88: i wonder if someone could ever have that many babies
heroicfailure97: maybe if you had, like quintuplets for like 40 years straight.
momodebater: I must be a really hot commodity
pickyeater88: dont get such a big head
heroicfailure97: yeah. no one likes cocky guys.
heroicfailure97: especially the ones who don't have anything to offer. *winkwinknudgenudge*
pickyeater88: lol
momodebater: 751792306005586604615 years and 3 months to have 1002389741340782139487 babies
momodebater: hey if I"m "cocky" how do i not have anything to offer
pickyeater88: because no one will give you anything
heroicfailure97: castration affects the best of us, my dear.
momodebater: lol
momodebater: but it's 8"
pickyeater88: did i tell you what my brother said he'd do to any guy who ever hurt me
heroicfailure97: what?
pickyeater88: he said he'd personally gut and castrate them
momodebater: we can do it soft
momodebater: it won't hurt then
pickyeater88: no comment
momodebater: lol
heroicfailure97: ...i agree with amber.
momodebater: sadly so do I
pickyeater88: you agree and you were the one talking i'm glad you changed your mind
heroicfailure97: john, i think that being surrounded with women makes you REALLY strange.
heroicfailure97: after all, it doesn't happen too often.
pickyeater88: lol
momodebater: ouch
heroicfailure97: hee.
pickyeater88: the truth hurts kid
momodebater: no that wasn't the truth
momodebater: that was Katie
heroicfailure97: katie, truth, the two are synonymous.
momodebater: so do people yell that out in the bedroom
momodebater: ohhhhhhh
momodebater: Truttttthhhhhhhh
heroicfailure97: no.
momodebater: darn
pickyeater88: r u talking about orgasms
heroicfailure97: they use sex goddess, of course.
heroicfailure97: my other name.
momodebater: lol
heroicfailure97: ;-)
pickyeater88: does sex hurt?
momodebater: lmao
pickyeater88: i heard it smells
heroicfailure97: ...are you asking john, or me?
momodebater: lol
momodebater: I'll answer or you can
pickyeater88: of coarse katie
heroicfailure97: well, seeing as i'd know, and you wouldn't.
heroicfailure97: :-P
heroicfailure97: sex only hurts the first time.
momodebater: I'd know just not from personal experience
momodebater: a lot more pain for the women than the guy
heroicfailure97: and it doesn't really smell. it just...makes interesting squishy noises that you don't expect.
pickyeater88: i dunno if i wanna have sex now
momodebater: unless she's really tight
momodebater: in which case it's more pleasurable
pickyeater88: it sounds to complicated
heroicfailure97: it's not, really.
momodebater: not really
heroicfailure97: things just kind of happen
heroicfailure97: and you don't really think about it.
pickyeater88: oh ok
momodebater: just go a little doggy style right into missionary....
pickyeater88: is it fun
heroicfailure97: yes. if sex wasn't fun, people wouldn't do it.
pickyeater88: oh i just had to ask
momodebater: lol
heroicfailure97: lol okay.
momodebater: any other questions about sex amber
pickyeater88: no i think i good
heroicfailure97: now that we've started our own little SHARE class up in here...
pickyeater88: absitnece yay
momodebater: you realize that I"m printing this up and sharing it in 5th period
heroicfailure97: lmao.
heroicfailure97: no you're so NOT.
pickyeater88: NO!!!!!!!!
momodebater: they need to teach positions in SHARE
heroicfailure97: i agree.
pickyeater88: i dont
heroicfailure97: or else you don't really know where to put everything
momodebater: why not
momodebater: I can just imagine it
heroicfailure97: and then you end up getting cramps or having to reposition halfway through.
pickyeater88: i think people expirament w/ sex because they learn about it in share
momodebater: no kidding
heroicfailure97: so that's why they should know everything, first off.
momodebater: I think you're way to nieve Amber
heroicfailure97: so no experimentation is necessary.
heroicfailure97: ...john just made up a word. yay!
momodebater: why can't I spell it?!?
pickyeater88: yay john lets have a party
heroicfailure97: because you're dumb, sorry.pickyeater88: i want vodka
heroicfailure97: doesn't everyone?
momodebater: ok you bring the alcohol
pickyeater88: vodka
momodebater: I'll bring the rubbers
pickyeater88: vodka
pickyeater88: vodka
pickyeater88: vodka
pickyeater88: no sex
pickyeater88: just vodka
pickyeater88: vodka
heroicfailure97: amber, if you really want it that bad, you can come over to my house. lol.
momodebater: you'll be too drunk to notice
heroicfailure97: (the vodka, not the sex)
momodebater: lol
momodebater: I don't know Katie wouldn'
momodebater: *wouldn't mind the 2nd one either
pickyeater88: oh so if i have vodka i'll have sex anyways
heroicfailure97: if john's around, yes.
momodebater: when you're hanging around a horny guymomodebater: lol
heroicfailure97: because he'll take advantage of you.
heroicfailure97: bad, bad momo!
momodebater: aren't they simultaneous
momodebater: yes mam!
heroicfailure97: lol.
pickyeater88: lol
heroicfailure97: and i think you mean synonymous.
momodebater: yes
heroicfailure97: nice to know you can control the english language, john.
momodebater: thank you Katie
heroicfailure97: you're quite welcome.
heroicfailure97: :-D
pickyeater88: wow he just takes directions from you like a dog
heroicfailure97: yeah i know. ;-) it's great.
momodebater: I do other things like a dog too
heroicfailure97: so do i!
heroicfailure97: :-D
pickyeater88: humping things
momodebater: yay for doggy style!
heroicfailure97: hahahaha
heroicfailure97: you guys are so funny.
pickyeater88: wouldn't that hurt
heroicfailure97: ...not really...
momodebater: why would it?
pickyeater88: it would just be wierd
momodebater: you know what we're talking about amber
pickyeater88: yeah its what my dog does to his little bed
heroicfailure97: ...HAHAHAHAHAHAH
momodebater: lol
momodebater: yeah sort of
pickyeater88: except w/ people
pickyeater88: not w/ dogs
pickyeater88: people dont do it w/ dogs
momodebater: unless you're weird like that
pickyeater88: yeah
heroicfailure97: ...unless you're john.
pickyeater88: JOHNATHEN
momodebater: how did you know?
pickyeater88: i'm going to the bishop
momodebater: the dog didn't mind
momodebater: I'm telling you it was asking for it
heroicfailure97: ...lmao
pickyeater88: how can you "laugh your ass off" when its really still there that would be a good spar topic
momodebater: lol
momodebater: Amber
momodebater: look at that language
heroicfailure97: ...if by "good" you mean "horrible", then yes.
pickyeater88: i was quoting
pickyeater88: thats what i meant
heroicfailure97: mmhmm.
momodebater: I'm going to go tell the bishop that and the fact that you masturbate
heroicfailure97: you've got a dirty mouth, ms. gardner.
momodebater: lol
heroicfailure97: ...and a dirty hand.
heroicfailure97: oh my.
momodebater: LMAO!
momodebater: that was great Katie
pickyeater88: i didn't masturbate
heroicfailure97: SURE you don't, amber.
momodebater: so do you use your left or right?
pickyeater88: i dont have a dirty hand
momodebater: so do you have like a vibrator you use instead
pickyeater88: i would probably use my right but i've never done that
heroicfailure97: i bet she does.
heroicfailure97: and i bet it's really big.
momodebater: lol
pickyeater88: i dont!
heroicfailure97: amber is a girl with needs.
momodebater: I bet I'm bigger!
momodebater: lol
heroicfailure97: ew. john.
pickyeater88: did you notice you were the only one who thought that was funny
heroicfailure97: john's nonexistant penis is NEVER funny.
momodebater: lol
momodebater: it is pleasuring though
pickyeater88: so you masturbate
momodebater: shhhhhh
momodebater: keep it on the "dl"
pickyeater88: my moms comming
momodebater: lmao
heroicfailure97: see, that's another thing you have to tell the bishop, amber.
heroicfailure97: YOUR MORMON MOM
heroicfailure97: :-D!
pickyeater88: yeah
momodebater: hello sr. Gardner!
pickyeater88: she says hi
heroicfailure97: :-)
momodebater: so Amber,
pickyeater88: yes
pickyeater88: john
momodebater: why again did Elizbeth ask how big CJ's penis was?momodebater: I really didn't need to know that
heroicfailure97: ...because she wanted to make sure it was real.
momodebater: lol
momodebater: of course it isn't
heroicfailure97: duh.
pickyeater88: yep thats it
momodebater: it's real like Elizabeth has breast implants
pickyeater88: katie hit the nail on the head
heroicfailure97: out of curiousity...
heroicfailure97: how big IS CJ's penis?
momodebater: a little over 6
eroicfailure97: (i mean, his imaginary penis)
momodebater: lol
momodebater: OH
pickyeater88: about as big as his hand
momodebater: that one
momodebater: that was his balls stupid
pickyeater88: i'm not stupid
heroicfailure97: now, now.
momodebater: nope just "nieve"
momodebater: lol
pickyeater88: they were both as big as his hand
heroicfailure97: no fighting, you mormon children.
heroicfailure97: don't fight over CJ's penis.
momodebater: lol
pickyeater88: thank you mother
heroicfailure97: you're welcome, dear.
momodebater: I'm like those barnicles from science
pickyeater88: eww
pickyeater88: i g2g
momodebater: you know what I"m talking about Amber
heroicfailure97: ew. john.
heroicfailure97: :-(
pickyeater88: eww
pickyeater88: yes
momodebater: lol
pickyeater88: i've g2g
momodebater: cool
heroicfailure97: alright
momodebater: c ya
heroicfailure97: goodnight
pickyeater88: ttyl good night
momodebater: 'night
pickyeater88: sleep tight