May 08, 2005 14:40
Friday the landlord came over to fix the toliet...and he stepped on Zoe's neck by mistake. We had to take her to the vet, and they gave her some painkiller. She can't walk very well right now...but she is doing a lot better. She gets around pretty fast...but she still always falls to her left. She wasn't eating at all. But yesterday she started eating a lot. So, I think she will be alright.
I'm going to see Mother tomarrow, because I have work tonight. Plus I have to go get Jarrod from Jonesboro. Then I have to be in Memphis by 5, so he can go to work.
My sister Lisa is pregnant..she found out yesterday. The other day at work, someone told me I was pregnant. I was like what?? No Im not. And she said, oh that's what everyone is saying. Turns out, it's the Michelle on FIRST shift that's knocked up. hahaha.
Oh here's the Jacklyn update...she removed me from her friends list. Oh I'm so fucking sad. Yeah who's just livejournal. But, apparently she has removed me from her REAL LIFE friends list as well. That's fine too...but why not at least have enough guts to say this to my face? Just say it...I don't want to be friends with you. that's it. Don't worry Jacklyn, I won't write about you in my journal anymore. I'd hate to inflate your ego...because I know you probably still read this, to see if there is anything about you.