Oct 23, 2005 18:14
I just got back from my grandma's funeral and now the fucking mormons are here. This is REALLY what I need right now, I just wanted to sit on my couch build my Playboy empire on x-box for a little while and then go out to dinner. I'm fucking pissed, GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE ...I want to be alone. So I was forced to retreat to the bedroom and hide out. I don't give a flying fuck if they know I'm here and I'm being rude or not. Fuck everything right now. I'm miserable and angry and depressed and in so much pain right now I want to scream. I'm never going to another funeral again as long as I live. They just make me have to think about everything and hurt like hell anyway. Theres no way to distract yourself from death at a funeral. She was already creamated so their was no body thank god just a gold box. so simple so small..how could something so insignifigant hold the remains of my grammie? I just want to hug her so much. I just want to say all the things I should have said. I couldn't help it I cried through the entire service managed not to sob just silent tears that I tried to wipe away. I hate crying in front of people I love, so it doesn't surprise me that I'd hate crying in front of strangers and there was a lot of people there I don't know. The service was jewish and most of it was in Hebrew. I don't understand Hebrew and ya know what??? Neither did Grandma. Thanks Aunt Katerine..Thanks Uncle Paul..nice choice there. She wasn't even Jewish. She visited the temple ONCE with Katerine..I guess that was enough for them to push their religion on her death. I talked to grandma about religion once..she said she found the visit interesting but didn't share the same beliefs as Kathy and Paul.
Can they leave now please...I want my living room back...Who am I kidding? Dan will talk to them forever.