Mar 13, 2006 21:35
Lately I've just felt intellectually isolated, the only person who has been able to challenge my intelligence is my English teacher. I just feel really sad knowing that there are so few people who can actually engage in an intelligent conversation. I mean, I like goofing off and having fun as much as anyone else does, but come on, jesus fucking christ people have just begun to focus all of their being onto just that. No one seems to care anymore about the reason why it is human nature to talk to others, here's a hint: IT'S TO FUCKING LEARN SOMETHING THAT HAS SOME RELEVANCE. Up until now I have just let it go and said "Oh it's not a big deal, fun is fun," but enough is enough. So here's my new rule: If I have 5 conversations with a person and not one of them is the least bit logical or actually gives me something to think about, you are now dead to me. There's no point in me going on talking to someone if I can just tell from that much that there is next to fucking nothing I can actually learn from you, something I can look back on and say "Wow, that was a really good point,". So that's pretty much it, and it's taking effect immediately, and everyone else should do the same, because people need to ask themselves "What have I ever taken away from ::insert name here:: that really made me think or see something in a different light?" I guarantee that if everyone in society did this, stupid people would be completely eliminated from being anything close to important, and by human nature, they would learn so they can be accepted, and the world would be much more intelligent as a whole.
Interesting post-script, I just noticed that this is my second rant about stupidity, I'm really beginning to notice how much ignorance really pisses me off deep down inside hahaha