Mar 11, 2005 12:47
Well nothing that is! You all still bitch and complain you all still act as if life is out to get you. friends are there to help not hinder. I would like to see some happy thoughts please. I am not one to make accusations on emotions since I used to think in the dog house, but hey its called growing up, just I seem to have grown from a depressed pissed off person into a calm dont give a shit person and am happy, you all went from happy to manic depressant. Welly welly well well, looks like you all have some growing up to do still. Well keep on bitching and thinking the world sucks cause yes everyone hates you and you are going to hell. You have no real friends just friends that use you for either money material items or sex. So dont get your hopes up yet you can be worse off!
I hope this has enlightened a few of you to bitch even further, drown people, drown in your sorrows and never come back. lol
--The Joynar