S' UP?!

Jun 23, 2011 15:02

Hai guys!

I'm kinda on summer holidays now.... cuz my work will be going to california for July and then their mom is not workin in august...

but I did manage to snag a part time job for the summer... nothing too busy tho just 20 hrs a week and the kids seem like WAAAAAAAAY calmer.  So I'm excited about that.

ummm.. so other than work related horror stories I really don't have much to say....

I have been playing Rift this month cuz I promised a friend I'd play it with her and my wow time expired so cuz we don't have too much money right now I decided to try out rift for a month.  It's pretty cool.  I especially love rift events.... if the game was nothing but Rift events - I wouldn't complain.  Other than that it's like a semi-more complicated version of wow.  Only less classes but way more specs.

but come July I'm gonna go with one of my wow accounts and the Rift account I think.
Then in August just go back to my 2 wow accounts....

Ummm my god my life is boring.
I'm married now..... haven't been able to change my last name yet even tho I've been married over a month..... can't change my name cuz the stupid government is SLOOOOOOOW and so I haven't gotten the official documents back yet which are required to change your name.  :(  I wanna be Mrs.  dammit!

anyways I'm working for my sister today so I should prolly get back to that... came to LJ to ask rinalia a question :D  and then realized I haven't updated in a loong long time and I should prolly do that.


how's everyone doing?
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