(no subject)

Jan 21, 2011 10:08

(fyi if there are letters missing from words.... it's this fucking keyboard.. you have to POUND the fucking keys on my laptop before they register being hit and it's getting really annoying)

I'm worried about my computer....
She's not acting normal.... and this pisses me off a bit cuz I haven't playe wow in like 3 days conciously.... I was too tired and working.... and I knew I could play all day today.... but apparantly not.

My comp is deciding to be an asshole.... and NOTHING is running properly.

I started it up this morning and everything seemed to be fine.  Kaspersky was runing it's update.... and so then I loaded up firefox to check my guild forums.... and the wow forums.... and it froze.  Like almost instantly.  So I tried control alt delete.... and my entire comp froze up and wouldn't do anything.

So I had to hit the power button and restart it again.  Kaspersky went ballistic... cuz apparantly it got corrupted in the forced shut down..... and so I thought 'hey maybe I have a virus and thats why things aren't working properly'  so I went to load up Malwarebytes.... the other anti-virus program I have.  But then my whole comp locked up again.... and I had to power off.

so this time I decided to try running in Safe mode so I could run the vius checker and fix whatever problems.... but half way through loading up in safemode everything froze.... and I waited like 10 minuts to no avail....  Shut off the power again..... it wants me to run Start up Repair.....

Now I know from previous experience with my comp that it HATES start up repair..... and 85% of the time it doesn't work.... freezes halfway through and I end up just logging in normally and restoring my comp to an earlier date anyways.... so I log in normally.

And after kaspersky threw another fit cuz it's 'corrupted'  I've let it just sit there and do nothing for a bit in the hopes that it will let me run stuff now and I can fix this.

This comp..... seriously I hate it.  It's always crashing..... I sent it to computer guys while I was in the netherlands for xmas... and they put in a new fan for the video card and Wow was working 100% better and everything was great.... but now this is the second time it's died on me in just normal - doing nothing - computer mode..... before the new fan it only ever really died in gaming mode..... so I don't know wat the fuck is wrong with it!

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