Mar 19, 2005 19:01
Okay, so here's the English update. I do get in moods where I feel that I express myself better in German than in English. Usually its nothing important so some people can relax a little ;-) hee hee. *translates*
Well, I'm home now for spring break. I barely made it back though. It was snowing horribly when we left Winona last Friday and at one stretch where we couldn't see the car either on the side or next to us for a whole half hour or so. Sadly, a friend of my brother's was not so lucky. They were driving the opposite way as us and, as I've said with the weather being so bad, cars could barely see each other. The car his friends were driving were side swiped and she, along with two other girls, were killed. It's a damn shame because from what I've heard she was amazing person and wonderful. It's such a horrible truth that the good ones always die young.
I'm kinda bored here at home though. Perhaps I wouldn't be so bored if the family had break too instead of school and work. My parents work all day and my siblings aren't on break until after I go home, so I've been just sitting on the computer or using the phone. I've called Winona Friends and NYC friends and friends from just about everywhere to kill my boredom. Mainly, I want to be back with my people in Winona. Next year will be cool, if I can get everything worked out. I might be living with Tanja and roommates. We just need to sit down and talk all the details out and see if it will even work. I hope it does.
So nothing else much is new. I have a new haircut. Its very odd to see my natural colour again as I've been dying my hair for years. Technically, it's a dark blonde but has a more brown appearance. I would need a lot of time outside to let the dark blonde/light brown shade back. I want to dye it black, but Helmut doesn't want me to. We shall call boyfriend Helmut to maintain privacy and such. Helmut says its good looking as it is, so it will for a little while anyhow. Yeah...I'm rambling now so I think I shall close now. I miss and love you Tanja! Thanks for the calls to keep up with me. Helmut, you don't read this but I miss and love you!! I'll post something else later..
There, the english copy..See? Nothing but bullshit rambling to kill a few minutes of this very long 8-9 day stretch. I'm going home tomorrow, YAY! In the mean time, I'm going to pack and get all my possessions gathered. I'll write something good when I get back in Winona. God I've wasted this