Tibetan Monks, Music, and Boring shite :P

Sep 30, 2004 22:53

So, from Tuesday through Friday last week, we had Tibetan monks visiting campus. It was an amazing experience. Tuesday morning, I first saw their items and bough 2 charms. One is the lotus which stands for purity, and a second which I'm saving for someone is The knot of eternity and stands for actions and consequences of the actions, and how organisation has a reaction for every action. I think perhaps buying and wearing these charms may have helped my mood along to stay positive. My lesson went incredibly well compared to the norm. Dr. Harry usually has sophisticatedly snide remarks even when one practices and has a decent grasp of the material. He actually told me “You’re making some good sounds today” which, coming from him is a HUGE compliment. Later that night, I went to a very good lecture on kindness, world peace and our inter connections throughout the world

Then Wednesday morning, I went to guided meditation. This is a very unique experience and I highly recommend it to anyone who gets a chance at all. It starts off with incense then chanting. The chanting was the most amazing thing I've heard ever. These men are trained for the better part of a year to sing, and they sing low and up to three pitches at once. Considering the average "Classically trained" singer can only hit one pitch at a time, I was in awe. Then after the chanting you sat there, totally relaxed and let your mind lead the way. Then I went to my classes feeling totally good about everything. The entire week I felt totally at peace with everyone and everything. On

Thursday, I worked on the community sand Mandala. Those are SOOO cool, gorgeous and feels wonderful to work on. Its a painting made entirely by sand. The one I helped work on wasn't nearly as elaborate as the monk’s work lol but it still looked cool and all the ideas from the community members who put some time in made a wonderful peace of art. Then that night was the performance. It was a great show. It had dancing, music playing unlike anything heard in western society, so cool. My only annoyance at the show was that some immature freshman fuckers were loud up in the balcony where I was sitting and saying things like "How long till intermission so we can go" and it was obvious they had only appeared at the performance because of orientation class assignments. I hate it when people are forced to attend a recital and make it hard to enjoy for others.

Friday I missed the closing ceremonies due to band being at the same time. I'm sad about that because they gave away sand from the mandala and some people had their purchased things blessed. And I was in band. BAH. I would have really liked to been there. But I was fortunate enough to go to other events so I guess I can’t complain. They’ll be back one day hopfeully and perhaps then I can see the other ceremonies. I got to meet Erin’s friend Sara and we (Erin, Greg, Rosemary, Sara, Teresa and myself) hung out. Another trip to the porn shop ensued, followed by a jaunt to the supermarket and watching Bruce Almighty in Erin and Teresa’s room. This day, shocker for you all..I put my name down for joining up something athletic! They’re going to start up a men’s rowing team so I decided after talking to Guy about it that it looked fun and I’d give it a try. It’s a great workout, and might be enjoyable as something I’ve never done before.

Saturday was homecoming. I had pep band, we won and I won’t go into detail, but the next morning I was the proud owner of my first hangover. Not having a lot to do homework wise made it easy to sleep it off until I was in good enough shape to eat something. While I had fun, It’s not exactly something I want to repeat.

This week has been normal for the most part. My piano teacher has been gone with heart problems so not much progress has been there because, as much as I dislike the woman, I need her instruction for all my piano flaws. Dr. Harry was a little snide, I went to classes and the gym and practised. I chatted less and got more done. I have an odd sensation of accomplishment even though I didn’t do so hot on my maths exam and I sat an English one today that I know I forgot things for..:-/ I really hate that. Especially when its basic Grammar I should have had memorized by now. I’ll try even harder next time and work on better memorization.

And now, after this lengthy ramble, I think bed calls. Having worked out an hour ago, I killed whatever energy remained. A BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY NET MOMMY!! I LOVE YOU :-* And Congrats to Steve on being a daddy!
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