here i give you my final high school performance from thursday, june 9th, 2005; my best friend derek and i playing The Beatles, "In My Life" at the
EW Moving Up Assembly. it was perfect. we were so awesome. i know we were because everyone says so, and because even i'm proud of it, and derek i hope you are too because everyone says that you sang great, and i agree.
i especially like how i snuck a little "stairway to heaven" into the beginning and everyone laughed. :-P and of course my high-harmony at the end was pretty sweet too. if nothing else, it sure as hell makes up for the talent show this year.... anyway, it was a good way to end it. now i just can't wait for the year to be over. just 4 more days....
so download it and drop a comment for me!! :-D
(props to spenser for letting me use his
phatty server. and by the way, spenser says that if you're going to watch the video more than once, instead of just clicking on it, right click it and save it somewhere on your computer. it makes things easier for him. :) muchas gracias)