I have put in captions now. A coherent narrative may follow, if certain people were a bit nicer about it :P
The Oxford Knitwear shop, which I'm sure will interest the Con and the Ching most greatly.
Where my Daddy used to live - looks awful, really. See below for shiny new college building where I shall get to live :)
A Guardian paper-shop. Never have I seen one before.
The rather grim-looking Radcliffe Infirmary. I suppose it deters from people from being unnecessarily ill.
A violin shop!
The entrance to Stan's. Not the most prettiest of colleges :(
A somewhat more pleasant-looking bit of the college. Definitely more strength in books than in looks here.
The entrance to the library. I found this sign very amusing, for reasons which now escape me.
Some Finalist's utterly incomprehensible work. I heard some of them talking outside, and was completely baffled. Still, makes PH5 revision seem a bit more palatable.
Books! Lovely books!
Yet another library photo, this time of a painting which is in there.
More books. Oxford is Mecca for people like me, you must understand. Books I say!
A skeleton-in-residence! Immortality of the best sort.
A Punctuation Error! At OXFORD! *weeps* Nice vigilante action by somebody to correct it, though personally I think Red Pen makes a stronger statement. If one is to be a gittish pedant, one should go the whole hog.
A Shiny New Bit. Maybe it'll be a pretty college once they've finished building it.
The people who are finishing building it.
Them again. Cranes are Stan's answer to dreaming spires, it seems.
Now this is much more Oxfordy.
Another pretty bit.
Another less brutal-looking building.
Nice-looking art.
The college has a regrettably low Stripy Lawn count, but there are some :)
More stripiness! And trees, and pretty buildings!
Another nice bit.
All quite gardenish, isn't it? It may not have ancient buildings, but the grounds aren't as austere and monastic as some.
Unfortunately some bits are still brutal and ugly :(
A bookshop! Three miles of books!
The Sheldonian Theatre. Note the cellist!
An Even Bigger Library, the Bodleian.
I realised at this point that none of my photos contained any Latin, which is Just Wrong.