Date: Saturday, 3 Dec 2011
Characters: Paul Tallman, other park-goers
Location: Fort Woof (Fort Worth)
Status: Private
Summary: After a run himself, Paul takes Bea and Vi out for their own turn.
Completion: Incomplete
He was a sucker for big, brown eyes. He snapped a leash onto Bea's collar, smirking to himself and shaking his head, then one on Vi's before he opened the door and let them try to drag him out. Digging his heels in, Paul twisted to lock the door, then hook the carbiner holding them onto his belt-loop, and turned around with a laugh as his girls tried their darndest to either pull his arm from its socket, or drag him like they were sled dogs. "Hold your horses," he said amiably, "I'm comin', I'm comin'. No rush, ladies. The p-a-r-k will still be there when we get there." Snorting as Vi turned her head and barked - talking to his dogs like it was a conversation; Nancy would laugh and say she was finally rubbing off on him - he opened the passenger-side door to the truck and let them scramble in to fit how they would before he closed it.
Going around to the other side, he climbed up and in, buckling the belt, and revving the engine. Bea licked his ear in what he figured was doggy happiness, and Paul chuckled as he pulled out of the parking spot. "Bea, down. Vi, down." They quieted a little, enough that he could concentrate on getting out of the lot, then they were off, Evan's GPS ("here, take this, it's just easier") squawking the entire way. Well, it was better than a map in this case, since he had two squirmy collies who were just dying to get out and see everything there ever was to see.
He stopped the truck, setting the parking brake, then got out quickly to push the seat forward and grab both leashes as Bea and Vi shot out in two brown comets of fur. He locked and shut the door, then started into the park, leaning down to unleash his girls and chuckle deep in his chest as he watched them all but teleport to the nearest obstacle course (talk about upscale dog park, with all this stuff), yipping in glee. Paul rolled the leashes into loose loops he stuffed into his pocket, then plopped onto a bench and pulled out his sunglasses, leaning his head for a moment and just soaking up the sun like a sponge. Felt like he hadn't gotten enough in months; might be a good thing he moved this far South. His stomach growled after a moment, and he reached into his jacket pocket, leather creaking familiarly, for the roll Evan had tossed him as he and the dogs had left.