Date: December 2, 2011
Characters: Soledad Navarro, Damien Jackson, Jasper Woods, Ezra Loy, Miranda Jackson, Ariel Crabtree, Gigi Campbell
Location: Damien and Soli's apartment
Status: Private
Summary: Just a way to get some friends together and relax.
Completion: Complete
Who's got the best poker face? )
“And I’m still not interested, so Damien really doesn’t have to worry about that.” Gigi shot back, giggling at Soli’s tone. Things were better this way anyways; had Soli managed to get her way, they probably wouldn’t be friends. Gigi didn’t make it a habit to make friends with the people she slept with, it only got awkward.
"Newsflash, I'm not really interested anymore either." Soli said with a laugh. She had long ago stopped trying to get Gigi into bed. Really her efforts had never been that gung-ho to begin with.
“You done with your confessions?” She asked throwing Soli a half smile, “’Cause I think we should probably go see if everyone’s here. You know, play at being social and shit.” Shouldn’t be so bad. Hopefully.
"Sim, I'm done." She replied, rolling her eyes slightly, though the effect was lessened by the smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "You might be playing at being social, while I will actually be social, Menina." Soli understood this wasn't Gigi's cup of tea, and she appreciated the fact Gigi was her anyway.
“No one but you will know that.” Gigi pointed out and headed for the other room. She might not be the most outgoing, or as social as Soli, but she didn’t hate people; and Sol’s friends weren’t awful company.
"Sim, that's true." Soli replied with a nod. Anyway she didn't think Gigi completely hated being social, even if her best friend liked to act like she was. "Bet you have a killer poker face, Menina." She smirked, trying to lighten the mood as they slipped into the living room to join everyone else.
She smirked. “Probably.” She agreed as she followed Soli out. She didn’t play poker all that much, so she really couldn’t tell for sure, but she was good about keeping a straight face in general, so a poker face couldn’t be that much harder.
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