Date: Sunday, November 13, 2011 Characters: Chris Pho, Anyone else Location: Angel Abbey Status: Public Summary: Chris holds a cooking demonstration/class Completion: Incomplete
She hadn't been much in the mood for fried chicken right now, but the collard greens didn't look too bad, and saying "no" to mashed potatoes was a sign of the end of the world, she was pretty sure. Taking a little bit of each, she snagged a piece of pie too, then went to go sit at a table, looking over the notes she'd taken during class. Mr. Pho was pretty good; she liked how he kind of put in little comments sometimes about what he did when he was cooking for himself, but didn't go off on a tangent. And he'd managed to make collard greens look like something she might actually try eating, which was kind of surprising, 'cause she'd thought they were supposed to be all...limp and almost slimy. Or at least the way Hannah's mom made them anyway. She had a little more faith in Mr. Pho, though, since he worked in a restaurant and liked to cook.
El had promised if any of her classes made her really want to come home and make the lesson's recipes for herself, they could hit the grocery store on the way home. As she took a cautious forkful of the greens, she wondered if El liked them, and what he thought of sweet potatoes in a pie. Lifting the fork to her mouth, she chewed thoughtfully, then started to add to her notes.
El had promised if any of her classes made her really want to come home and make the lesson's recipes for herself, they could hit the grocery store on the way home. As she took a cautious forkful of the greens, she wondered if El liked them, and what he thought of sweet potatoes in a pie. Lifting the fork to her mouth, she chewed thoughtfully, then started to add to her notes.
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