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elliot_winters November 6 2011, 23:39:42 UTC
Elliot was enjoying the day so far. He was letting Carrie and Belle and Ezra do a lot of the selling, though he had made his share of sales too. He didn't mind doing something like this, where he was behind a booth, helping out, and he was more than willing to talk up the bakery for them, since he was a big fan. Really, though, he was most enjoying just hanging out with people he liked. He had his girl, and every now and then he would steal a little kiss, and he had his little sister, and Ezra was his friend and it was good to see him and catch up. Maybe now that life was a little more under control, he could actually spend some time with the people he called friends in his life.

"So how's it all been going?" he asked Ezra as there was a slight lull in selling things. He'd known this would be a popular booth, and he was being proven right.


ezra_loy November 7 2011, 02:13:27 UTC
Ezra really was glad that Carrie had asked him if he'd want to come and help her out at the Festival. It got him out of the house, and working along side Carrie, Belle and Elliot was kind of nice; he didn't see enough of either Carrie or Elliot, which was just as much his fault as anyone else's. So this was giving him the perfect opportunity to catch up while helping out a good cause. Plus, seeing Ariel earlier in the day hadn't been a downside either, he was quickly starting to count her as a friend and was more than happy to see a familiar face around this place ( ... )


elliot_winters November 7 2011, 02:54:35 UTC
Elliot had heard about the break up before Ezra had told him, of course, but it had been good to hear from someone else besides the people who had told him about it. On the whole he had kept quiet about the whole thing in a public sense, not wanting to get drawn into it all. He had a lot of practice from when he grew up with walking that fine middle line between everyone and every thing ( ... )


ezra_loy November 7 2011, 07:31:56 UTC
Ezra shrugged, nodding at Elliot's comment. "It is. Though it feels like I spend most of my life adjusting." Which was something he figured Elliot would understand, and he appreciated knowing that the older man was around if he needed someone to talk to about this. Or better yet, if he needed to get out and do something to forget about it for awhile, or blow off steam. "Either, or." he answered with a laugh, a small grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Think things are as well, and I have to say I've never really volunteered for something like this before." Though it was more he'd never had the chance, so he was glad to be able to help out today.

He was glad to hear that Elliot and Belle were adjusting, it figured it had to be tough going through what they went through. Especially with the lack of an actual body to confirm anything. "That's good, and Belle's doing okay?" Ezra asked his voice lower since Belle was only on the other side of the booth from them.


elliot_winters November 7 2011, 23:02:24 UTC
"Amen to that," Elliot murmured. First as an Army brat then of his own volition in joining the Air Force, but especially now with everything going on with the family. "I've done some volunteering before, fundraising for this and that. We did something for one of our wing a few years back, his kid had leukemia. Everyone tossed in for that, and there was the bone marrow drive too. Then in school, fundraising for whatever team or whatnot." He shrugged. He was familiar with that sort of thing, at least.

Elliot looked over at his sister, glad to see her looking bubbly as she sold things. "I guess so. She doesn't talk about it much. I worry," he said softly. "At least Marta is letting me keep her through the school year, or so was the last thing I heard, at least. I think the stability will help her out."


ezra_loy November 9 2011, 01:18:35 UTC
Ezra just nodded as Elliot spoke, he couldn't really relate to fundraiser for friends or even for school; he had never been on one place long enough or been in a situation where it had been called for. But the general concept he understood, and he kind of figured that now he couldn't say that he had never volunteered as he was here helping out Carrie today. "This really is my first time doing anything like this, though I have to say it doesn't suck." Granted he was good at talking to strangers, so that had to play into it.

It probably wasn't Ezra's place to even suggest this, but he was going to say it anyway. "So she doesn't talk about it, have you thought about just straight out asking her?" Ezra reached up to rub at the back of his neck, hoping Elliot wouldn't mind him asking something like that. "Stability is important I'm sure, so I'm glad Belle's Mom is letting her stay with you."


elliot_winters November 9 2011, 08:06:48 UTC
Elliot had moved around a lot as a child, but he'd also been... encouraged to join sports teams and such, and he had, in an effort to please his father. Even if winning all the awards expected of him hadn't quite gotten the reaction he'd always wanted. There was still a pang about that, especially with the empty casket buried at Arlington. "Well, I'm glad it's a positive experience then," Elliot said with a grin.

He lifted a shoulder. "I'll likely have to at some point. But I don't want to badger her, she had enough people doing that right now. She knows I'm here if she needs me." At some point he would ask, but he wouldn't press her unless he really thought he really had to. "Marta at least see the sense in that. No use putting her mroe behind school and all, after all."


ezra_loy November 9 2011, 14:15:25 UTC
Ezra really had focused more on music and clubs as opposed to sports. Though when they had settled in Germany for any length of time he usually found himself playing soccer over there, the one sport he actually enjoyed and he hadn't been half bad at it. Not that his father had really noticed or cared, but his Mom had at least managed to make it to every game. "Yeah, so am I." Ezra replied with a smile.

He was relieved when Elliot didn't seem to mind the question so much. "Who knows, maybe once she's adjusted and some time has past she'll approach you to talk." Ezra didn't really know Elliot's sister, but he did hope she would open up about everything if she needed to. "Very true, trying to catch up in the middle a of a school year can be hellish." Sadly Ezra knew this from experience.


elliot_winters November 9 2011, 21:38:56 UTC
"I'm hoping she will. I try to be available should she need me." And he was beginning to think that as much like Fi as he'd always thought she was, perhaps she had a bit of his tendencies to think things over pretty hard before ever saying anything to anyone about them. He could give her the space she might need until then.

"Yeah, and she already ended up starting late anyway, because I had to find her a school and didn't want to just throw her in public school." But it seemed to be a good school, though he was going to have to talk to the principal about the woman who was Belle's 'counselor.' HE didn't think Belle was very happy with her.


ezra_loy November 11 2011, 03:43:45 UTC
Ezra really had to admire the way Elliot really was devoted to be being there for Belle. He had always had Neve there for him, but he also had always kind of figured not all siblings were that close; maybe his assumption had been wrong. "That's all you can really do, right?" Because pushing teenagers never seemed to end well.

"Understandable, pretty much Belle doesn't need anymore roadblocks thrown at her in this school year." Ezra was kind of well aware how much it sucked to start late or in the middle of a school year. He really didn't look back on those memories fondly at all.


elliot_winters November 11 2011, 22:03:30 UTC
Elliot knew his close relationship and devotion to his siblings was perhaps odd, but he couldn't help it. He had so little in his life, people-wise, that those few he loved, he loved whole-heartedly and devoted his whole self to them. "Unfortunately, I think so."

He shook his head. "No. I know how hard it is to be thrown in somewhere in the middle of the school year. Playing catch-up is never good." Though he'd always managed it, and Belle seemed to be managing it. She was smart, and he was so proud at the way she'd been handling herself. He just wished he could help her more.


ezra_loy November 12 2011, 22:09:46 UTC
Ezra couldn't imagine being put in Elliot's position, and he wondered sometimes if Neve felt the same responsibility to him that Elliot felt towards his siblings. "At least she knows she has you around if she needs it."

He nodded. "It pretty much sucks being thrown into a school in the middle of the year." Granted Ezra had focused on his schoolwork so much he always managed to survive it, that still didn't mean he enjoyed it at all.


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