Date: October 24th, 2011
Characters: Neve Stadheim, Shelby, Mackenzie & Bryn Stadheim (NPC), Jake Abernathy, Star Abernathy (NPC)
Location: Abernathy Home
Status: Private
Summary: Neve and Jake finally tell their girls.
Completion: Incomplete
We have something to tell you..... )
He felt almost bad that they had chosen his place because of his fears about Star, and yet she'd seemed fine with the choice, so he was willing to believe it was okay or she would tell him otherwise. Star sat poised on the end of the couch, looking distinctly ill at ease. He suspected on some level she knew what was going on, and was trying to deny it to herself.
He would be right. Star was trying very hard to tell her that this wasn't what she thought it was, that her Dad was seeing Miss Neve. They'd been hanging out even more than they used to, and she'd been busy with school and stuff and hadn't given it too much thought, mostly because the childish part of her hoped if she didn't acknowledge it, it wouldn't happen ( ... )
But it had to be true, because Miss Neve repeated it, and her Dad reached for her hand to squeeze it. Her eyebrows came together in a scowl. "That's not fair!" she said, standing up abruptly, her arms tightening even further around herself.
"Star, it is fair. We've talked about this before," he said gently. They'd discussed that sometimes grown ups needed other people, that didn't mean that he would love her any less than before.
"With, with her?! Shelby's MOM?" She didn't have the words for much else, emotions swirling around her head and chest.
"I would never try to replace your father," he said steadily to Mackenzie, hating that she was throwing a fit for Neve's sake, and needing to at least state that out loud on the onset of things.
Star startled and drew up higher as Mack turned on her. "Because you guys are my friends!" she yelled back. "She's your mom! That's weird.". It also made it harder because Miss Neve had always been nice to her, and it was hard to dislike her after liking her so long. Or think of sharing her dad with her and Shelby and Mack and Bryn. It made her feel panicky deep down.
"Star!" He said sternly. "Do not raise your voice at anyone."
If she threw her pillows all across the room, well, no one but her would know, at least right away. She couldn't help but be upset. A few tears leaked out and she tried to sniff them back. It only made things worse.
"I'm sorry," he told her softly, not wanting to have caused her and her girls trouble, though he wasn't sorry for dating her and wasn't sorry for caring about her. They would push through this, it was only a brief storm, but he still regretted that it might hurt her. He pressed a brief and gentle kiss to the back of her hand, looking at the remaining upset children and the one who wasn't.
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