Date: October 6, 2011
Characters: Jasper Woods, Neve Stadheim
Location: Neve's house
Status: Private
Summary: Jasper's picking Abby up but needs to talk to Neve about something important.
Completion: Complete
Jasper had a lot of respect for Neve, and he really looked up to her as a single parent, even though her circumstances were very different. She knew what it was like to help her children cope with the loss of a parent, and that alone was reason enough to turn to her for advice. Abby and Bryn ending up not only in the same school but in the same class was a happy enough coincidence, but the fact that they had become friends without any prompting from him or Neve just made it all the sweeter.
Neve's suggestion of having Abby over one day a week after school had been a great one, and it seemed to be working out really well. Leanne had Abby two days a week after school, Jasper had her two days, and one day she spent with Bryn and her family until Jasper was off work. It was an arrangement that he felt comfortable with, and if he were being honest, it was really helping him to settle into this new and still oftentimes foreign life of being a dad.
He pulled up to Neve's house and made his way to the door, knocking. While he waited, he thought about all the doubts and concerns that had creeped up in his mind this week as the planned sleepover came closer and closer. He just needed to talk to Neve about it; he knew that as a parent, she'd be able to give him some perspective of whether or not these concerns were valid and reasonable, or if it was just his own insecurities of being a dad influencing his thoughts.