Text: I'll take you up on that offer

Aug 30, 2011 23:34

Date: August 30, 2011
Characters: Drew Cooper, Jake Abernathy
Location: Cellphones
Status: Private
Summary: A quick back and forth of messages
Completion: Complete

The weekend had been good. A lead on a place to live, a gaming/comic store that catered for his inner geek, some recommendations from Joe at the office on where to live, a long chat with his twin (first on the list... there were tears), a chat with his mother (a longer one - there was a lot that needed to be said, there might have been more tears) and it was Tuesday already.

He was leaving the office (so much for starting at the beginning of the month) when he remembered to text Jake about taking him up on the offer. Typing up a message he hit send.

I'll take you up on the offer, bring my stuff over on Sat morn? Can help set up for bbq. Suits?

post: im/text, character: jake abernathy, character: drew cooper, august 2011

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