Date: August 2, 2011
Characters: Isaac Greenberg
Location: The Greenberg and Rafferty Household Mailbox
Status: Private
Summary: Allow me to it'll take to long. Allow me to sum up.
Completion: Complete
So I'm not home which I suppose is obvious. I have Sauce and my laptop, but we'll be back on Saturday morning. I'm stealing my sister's couch while she does a work trip to Houston. Give me some time to think or whatever. Sorry about taking the puppy, but I didn't want him to be home alone all day.
Guess I made a big awkward mess of things. I don't want to take it back though. Is that screwy? Probably. Well, fuck it. But I figure I should probably clear a few things up for the record since I don't think I explained myself very well. I mean, ok. The whole love/in love thing is bullshit. There isn't any difference I don't think between loving someone and being in love unless it's just a romantics way of saying 'I love you AND I want to fuck you.' Which maybe it is, but that kinda leaves a lot of gray area, don't you think? Just so it's abundantly clear, I do not want to fuck you. Not that you're not good looking or anything, but meh. Guys. Doesn't do it for me. Then again, meh, girls. Most of them don't either. I don't think I've gotten laid in like...a year? Does that sound right? It just doesn't seem important right now. Or maybe the medication is dampening my sex drive which is apparently pretty normal and you're probably making that face right now that you do when Is say too much, but whatever, ok? I'm trying to be honest. My libido tanked when I switched meds, but I feel less suicidal, so it's a fair trade off.
Anyway, I've wandered from the topic. So love. I love you. I took you across country, tried to make a home and pretty much lack emotional ties to anyone else, but my sister and I call you babe like that's a normal pet name, so I think that's obvious now, but I'll say it again anyway: I love you. I'm not even going to add 'man' or 'bro' to the end of that because the love/in love thing is bullshit like I said. Love is love is love. Bromance was cute when we were undergrads, but I'm kinda over it.
So here's the thing, I realized that this all out of the blue to you and I'm shit with words, but maybe I should have started more like this:
A List of Things I Love About You ( and if you blush enough that you pass out, I'm counting that as a win)
1. You're kindness. You're just unspeakably...good. Not always nice, but good. That's really rare. I don't think you even know how rare.
2. You're humble. Which is probably a part of 1, come to think of it or that you're just shy or something. But you don't show off even though you're wicked smart and you treat everyone like they're your equal until they prove otherwise.
3. Your laugh. It's kind of riduclous, but I always feel like I won something when I get you too. Is calling you ridiculous not a good thing to put in a love note? Well you are, so deal. It's appealing though.
4. The way you treat me. Like I matter, every day even when I'm utterly useless.
5. You're a fantastic cuddler. That's an important life skill.
6. You love books and that's just...sort of fantastic. Who loves books like that? You're such a librarian.
7. I've drawn you like a thousand times and I'm not bored yet. I want to draw you every year of our lives. I want to see your hair turn gray and your glasses get thick and get crows feet.
Also a hundred other things. So there it is. All of it. Your my person and I hope you always are, regardless of whatever you do with the ring or even if you never talk to me again.