Date: May 2, 2011 (early AM)
Characters: Elliot Winters, Carrie Harper
Location: respective
Status: Private
Summary: The news had to be shared.
Completion: Incomplete
Elliot had been dozing on the couch, unable to sleep well tonight (not completely unusual, not that he'd admit it) when his phone had rung with Fi's distinctive tone. He hadn't been able to believe it, he'd had to turn on the news and had texted his brother right back.
His mind just kept going "oh my fucking God, he's dead." He felt a surge of fierce satisfaction every time he thought it. He texted Fi several times, then opened up his address book to mass text just about everyone he knew who would understand. Though it was late, he also added Carrie--because for some reason, he wanted to share it with HER too. Even if he probably woke her up.
Carrie! They killed bin Laden! I don't even have the words!
This called for a cigarette.