Date: April 24, 2011
Characters: Fisher Winters, Derrick Andersen, Elliot Winters (?), Mel Andersen (NPC), Jesse Andersen (NPC), the rest of the Andersen clan.
Location: Jesse & Mel's place
Status: Private
Summary: Derrick introduces Fi to the family.
Completion: Incomplete
Derrick glanced at Fisher in the driver's seat, laughing. "I can't believe Mama told you about my being late to family functions and made you promise to drive so as I'm not late to this one." He made a face.
"So I know Mama extended an invite to Elliot ... he planning on coming?" he asked softly, hoping that Fi's brother was so that they could try interacting without the stress of everything that happened last month. "And I'm sorry for anything any of my cousin's might say today. Just putting that out there in advance." He was slightly afraid to introduce Fi to Michele and Jeff actually, he thought as they pulled in the driveway of his parent's house and he spotted Michele's car.