Date: April 8, 2011
Characters: Molly Larson, Aaron Scott
Location: Angel Abbey, then elsewhere
Status: Private
Summary: Molly and Aaron relax.
Completion: Incomplete
Dinner out somewhere on Friday was always a good way to kick off the weekend in Molly's book. Dinner with Aaron, at the restaurant where they first talked several months ago was even better. Not that Molly kept track of things like where she met people or what date it was. At least, not consciously. Molly had wanted to take Aaron out, though, as a sort of thank you for being so awesome, and also just because. She'd been working even longer hours than usual lately, with the not so secret hope she might be able to take some time off this summer to visit family. Her parents had been bugging her about coming home more often, which she knew was justified. Molly's reminders that airplanes flew into Texas as often as they flew out didn't seem to help matters, so it seemed like a trip home was necessary. She'd hoped to get them to come down for at least a short time so they could meet Aaron, but then again she didn't want to put any pressure on him. Or on herself.
Even though they were dating, Molly still felt like she was getting to know Aaron. That was what was so great about what they had, though--things were slow enough to enjoy, but moving at a pace that meant they were adults. Molly was really, really trying not to over think things, but it was hard. She was 26, and dating someone, which meant something totally different to her parents than to her. So, maybe it was good they weren't planning a visit after all.
After dinner, Molly insisted on paying the bill telling Aaron he could get them drinks if they went anywhere else. Truthfully, she'd be fine going home for a movie, but she knew that was a pretty boring Friday night for mid twenty somethings. Aaron never seemed to mind, though, which was one of the things she liked best about him.
"I wish I could tell you I had plans after this for us, but I failed. I'm not good with making decisions, apparently," Molly said after she'd signed her receipt. "Anything you'd like to do?"