Date: January 14, 2011 Characters: Maire O'Shea, Jay Shaw Location: Oddball 42 Status: Private Summary: Marie is late to pick up her comics Completion: Complete
Jay grinned widely as he saw who it was. "Welcome back, Marie. Come to pick up your stuff?" The shop was slow for the moment and he was happy to see her there.
"Yes," Marie said, not even trying to contain her grin. She was impressed that he had remembered her name. He obviously paid attention to his customers. Which made her feel even more guilty for not picking them up yesterday. Even though he probably didn't care, it still made her feel rude. "Sorry, I know I'm a little later then I said I would be to pick it up."
Jay waved it off, "Don't worry about it. Here it is." He retrieved it from underneath the counter. "Can I help you with anything else today?" He grinned at her.
"Actually," Marie said as she quickly walked over to the DC section. "I'm gonna go ahead and get Blackest Night and Brightest Day 1 while I'm here." She found the two collected editions and brought them up to the counter. "I wasn't going to get them, but I just can't resist."
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