Nov 05, 2005 14:08
someone please take my hand
and lift me from this palace
its marble floors streaked with blood
and high kings throne defiled by this own simple mistake
everyone has fled this place
alone i stand in the courtyard
trying in vain to figure out this life i lead
its led me into darkness
off in the forest
there hangs the willow tree
and the wise old man
he will tell me where to go
what to do
and how im ment to get there
ill search the years etched on his mask
and wonder what hes thinking
will i be at peice?
only the gods will know
immagination spawns creation
and creation spawns immagination
some body please take my hand
and lead me from this palace
show where the wild things roam
and show me there imperfections
is that not what makes us beautifel?
simple minds working so complex
you could hardly belive a thing
show me where the strong ones lie
alone in there dark corners
they sit and cry
showing there inner weakness
but displaying it to no one
should someone stumble apon
there true and un sheilded selves
they will hide the faces and run into the night
someone please take my hand
and lead me from this palace?
is there other just like me?
that seem to be cast in stone
with no one to turn to
with no where to run to
is there others in my predicament?
the left road or the right?
questions flood my mind
but i embrace the pain
"adds charactor" she always said
i press these thoughts deeper in my mind
and continue walking these hallow halls
staring at all the hollow walls
i seem so weak
yet feel ever stronger
someone please take me hand
and lead me from this palace
Konfustion surrounds him on every side
as he climbs a subtle staircase
soaked in tears and misery
he stumbles with each step
the flail he carried
long scince gone to be hidden amoungest the trees
his chain mail soul riped to shreds
bearing his chest with a simple message
"my heart will go on" he says in a whisper
"my heart will beat on still"
someone please take my hand
and lead me from this palace
some one please come and set me free