Feb 08, 2008 19:38
I moved into a place on Columbia, closer to friends, but now I never see em.
It's nice though, living alone. I'm in charge of my own shit and I don't have to deal with whacky room mates or house drama or stuff like that.
Work is beautiful, minus some things. But the beauty negates the slight fugliness. I've been hanging out with younger kiddos, mostly around 2 to 3 yrs. This girl Noor is my new favorite. She's Iranian and speaks only a little English, but sometimes she'll follow me around the room and immitate what I'm doing at the time. It makes me want a kiiiiid. So bad.
Alleycat tomorrow. GOING POSTAL, its checkpoints are the post offices of Albuquerque. Note: these are very far from eachother and from the Start point. It should be a pretty long, brutal ride. Maybe I'll just dick around though, and shoot for DFL.
That brings me to my next point. I'd like to say that I'm having an ethical issue about the whole bike thing right now. Some retards in San Marcos decided to make a MASH SM video with all the silly tricks and what have you. I respect some people who are really into the freestyling thing, but shit, think about the coolest trick on a fixed gear...it looks really stupid, as do all the other tricks. Sorry, but I don't give a fuck about how high you can jump the aerospoke clad Windsor the Hour your parents dropped way too much money on last Christmas. Put on a brake, clips on your pedals, get lights and a helmet and learn how to race the thing. That's what it's meant for. I feel like an old roadie bitching about shit that's out of my control, but for christ sakes, MASH SM?! MASH HOUSTON? You don't have anything to mash. It's flat land or rolling hills for the most part. And for real, to the kid who's parents bought him a house so he wouldn't have to live in the dorms, what the fuck are you going to do with a Pinarello track bike with deep V rims? You didn't even ride a bike before, sell it to someone who actually rides velodrome and doesn't thrive to do 5 backwards circles in a row.
I hope you all lose your teeth or are lobotomized by falling backwards during a no handed wheelie.
Not really though, it's all about smoking your slow asses next time I'm in town.