Best Night of the Year

May 20, 2007 14:00

Gordon Solie Motherfuckers reunion at Emo's:

+ every fucking trash can and folding chair repeatedly thrown in the pit and into the audience
+ multiple cans full of flour or something white exploded all over the crowd
+ firecrackers everywhere
+ TV smashed and thrown into the pit/at the audience/on stage
+ friend of band trying to haul ladder into audience to beat singer with but getting busted by Emo's bouncer
+ singer getting shit thrown at him before they even sound checked
+ singer getting pummeled by more than one person
+ singer getting pummeled by himself
+ singer pummeling people singing along with one of those "caution: wet floor" folding things
+/- getting hit right above the eye with a projectile beer bottle
+/- getting kicked in the face/ear by stage divers
+/- getting covered in absolutely every kind of filth imagineable, including friend of bands vomit
- Never getting close enough to the microphone during Parma Uber Alles
- No Burning Thrash Spirit/Open Letter to Clevo Pigs or Court Ordered Bullshit

But the plusses heavily outweigh the minuses. Craziest fucking shit I've ever seen.
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