An Al Bhed, A Turk, Some Pets, A Causeway, Friday Night, LAST POST EVER

Aug 26, 2011 21:17

It was astonishing how bare the apartment looked, once it had been stripped of all of its clutter. Life on Spira would be fairly nomadic; they didn't need most of the junk you could accumulate living in an apartment, so they'd donated some here and sold bits there and what little they were keeping, they had packed away. Packed away, or tucked away safe and sound into their respective carriers. One for Petey, of course, and one for Mako.

... The duck did not get a carrier. The duck was a duck, and therefore Bob (codename: Dumbfuck) was expected to live the rest of his days in the very pond that had been put there for just his sort of waterfowl.

Of course, Bob being a Dumbfuck meant that he had taken one look at the pond, honked at it, and then toddled back to join the caravan. Wherever they were going, he was going. It was probably going to have shiny objects.

Rikku didn't noticed their straggler until the causeway. "We're already a brood of misfits," she laughed. "Maybe he's supposed to be ours, too."

"Makes sense, I guess," Reno mused, raising an eyebrow at the duck. "He spent a friggin' month followin' me around the island after I found him in that little wading pool in the livin' room, after all."

Stupid-assed duck.

"It's all your maternal instincts," she said, and managed to keep a straight face for it, too. "That kind of bonding doesn't come along every day."

She made a clicking noise with her tongue. "C'mon, Bob," she cooed. "We won't leave without you. Who's a good duck?"

Reno snorted, watching Dumbfu-- Bob make his duckly way along after them, and then straightened to give one last look over the island.

"Gonna actually miss it," he noted as the duck settled on one of his shoes. "I know I say that every friggin' time we leave here, but damn it, I mean it this time."

Every time.

"Me, too," she said softly. It felt more final this time. They'd be back, but it wasn't the same. Which was okay. They had new chapters to go explore. That was what life was, right?

She leaned over to kiss him. "It's been good to us," she said. "The posse, the pets, and plus I got fake-married to this amazing Turk, yoto."

"What a weird guy he turned out to be, zoto." Reno met her in that kiss, and then stooped down to collect Bob, depositing him on the top of Mako's carrier. They really should have gotten something to carry the stupid duck in, he supposed. "No regrets, babe?"

They should have. Next time, they'd know.

"None," she said. There were things she'd do differently if she knew better, and there had been plenty of mistakes, but that wasn't the same thing at all.

She scooped up her half of the luggage, then freed one hand, reaching over to offer it to him. "I love you," she said. Unnecessary, but she liked saying it. "Are we ready?"

"When ain't we?" Reno smirked, leaning over to steal one more kiss as he took her hand. "C'mon, babe. Spira won't have no clue what the hell hit it when we get there."

Rikku took his hand and squeezed. And they walked, hand-in-hand, through the portal and on towards the rest of their lives.

(I am not tearing up, dammit. OKAY I AM. SHUT UP. This post was written with my winsauce partner-in-crime and BFF raspberryturk, who has been the most amazing kickass shipmate ever. Yes, they're leaving, and no, they're not going to be alumni; they're going for good. It's time. We'll miss them. NFI, but broadcast is okay, and OOC is so, so, so much love.)

cuban petey, and sometimes things work out okay, farewell, leaving fandom (for good this time), reno

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