MHA #1, AKA Reno-and-Rikku-Land, Monday Night

Dec 13, 2010 21:44

"I know, I know," Rikku said, sighing a bit to herself. "It was really mean of me to not let you fight the goblins."

Reno's agreement was limited to some frantic nodding.

"I bet you could have taken them all by yourself," she said. "You're very vicious, aren't you? Who's vicious? Who's gonna get 'em?"

Reno managed a quite impressive pthhhhhhbbbbbbt at that.

"You'd better turn back soon," she said, shaking her head. "If I have to teach your class tomorrow, I'm taking you with me."

Leave it to Reno to turn into a bright red baby chocobo just in time to miss an invasion. She couldn't leave him to Petey and Mako's care, and it seemed dangerous to bring him along, so she'd chosen to sit it out, too. Which was so not fair. They might have to go to Spira and kill fiends over break, just to make up for it.

(Establishy, so as to explain why they skipped the BDE, and to set up tomorrow's final. Muahahahaha. Reno modded with permission, natch. Can be open if anyone wants to call or visit, or if the wee chocho wants to blow raspberries at things!)
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