Room 308, Late Friday Night: Packages and Letters and Phone Calls and Plans

Apr 21, 2007 02:16

Rikku was thinking about a lot of things when she got back to her room Friday night. Or maybe just one thing and lots of little pieces to it. Isabel, Valentine, Bridge, they all seemed to think that ... maybe this wasn't over. And Dawn seemed to think that she and a friend might really know how to ...

No. Didn't do to get too excited about this. She was going to be calm and let things happen as they went along. She had told Hades 'no' and learned her lesson about messing with dark forces. She was going to let go, and if something came back ... it'd be a gift. Right.

Speaking of Hades ... she checked her voicemail and wasn't as surprised as she should have been to hear Rory's message. She quickly left a reply of her own.

Her thoughts went an entirely different direction when she saw the parcels on her desk. She eagerly ripped the box open to reveal ... YES! A blitzball and two blank armor templates. And then she squeed a bit and danced around the room. This was really happening, and it was going to rock.

There was a pretty fancy letter from O'aka, thanking her for the purchase - and he should, his weapons and armor weren't cheap, and she'd dropped a fair amount of gil on these. But they were the simplest, which meant someone who knew how to customize could get four slots instead of three out of them.

Someone like her.

The next package was smaller, and the letter with it less to her liking. Of course, Rin was stalling. No light curtains! None to be had anywhere. Technically, he didn't offer them, he reminded her briskly. Well, he didn't sell hypello potions, either, but there was a handy stack of them right here in the package. She rolled her eyes and started a blistering reply. Just because you couldn't bribe for them in bulk, he suddenly got skittish. Some businessman he claimed to be.

And then she had a better idea, and changed her tone. Wrote him dismissively and coolly, thanking him for his help and asking for some simpler items and not mentioning the light curtains at all. Then she picked up another piece of paper and wrote a much chirpier letter to O'aka, thanking him profusely for the weapon and armors and asking delicately if he knew where to locate some hard-to-obtain items, ones she'd pay heavily for. Like, say, light curtains?

She would be shocked if she didn't have an express package from Rin on Monday, with hundreds of them.

In the meantime ... she did have a Teleport Sphere, and Dream Powders, and enough Musk. Enough to start upgrading. Well, if she really was bringing Jude along to see Spira, he needed armor, right? More giggling, just at the thought.

One last envelope, and it was from Yuna. She held her breath a bit opening it. Her last letter had been so haphazard that she'd nearly not sent it at all. She hadn't told Yuna about breaking reality, obviously, but she had finally broken down and confessed that she was keeping things from her, because ... well. It's hard to tell someone all about your way-awesome day when they're living on Besaid completely miserable.

The reply was what she should have expected.


I'm not sure I understand your letter, except that you sound distraught and I hope you're feeling better. Please let me know if I can help somehow.

I want to know what's going on with you. You're in this new, exciting world, and I can only imagine the things you're experiencing. I want to hear about it all. And I know you haven't told me half as much as you'd like about this Jude of yours. Lulu isn't even this shy about Wakka, and you know how she gets!

Draw me a picture of it all, through your eyes. Please? Don't hold back the details.

And on from there. Somehow, someday, Rikku would be as good and sweet and understanding as Yunie. She would try.

First, she needed a blank sheet of paper. Several sheets. The armor could wait.


It must be tiring being right all the time. (That's a joke. Except you are, so kinda but not really?) No more secrets.

Okay, that was sort of a lie, but telling her about reality breaking ... not an option. Everything else? Everything else was coming out, in a flood.

Here's the biggest thing, and it's huge. A few days ago this little girl showed up on my doorstop with mismatched eyes and a skateboard and said she was my daughter. And Jude's daughter, from the future. These things happen in Fandom, but Yunie, she was the most beautiful amazing thing I've ever seen in my life.

Okay, it wasn't exactly my doorstop, because ... the night before was Not-Prom, and Jude and I went, and I got this amazing dress, and maybe I should start there? I'll get back to her, promise!

This letter was going to take a while.

(Establishy only.)

places: room 308, au kids: bayla, tidus plot: operation sexyback, fun with: weapons, people: isabel, linkdrop it like it's hot, valentine, people: rory, jude-dude, fun with: phones, dawn, letters from home, yunie, hades

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