Room 308, Monday, All Day

May 04, 2009 15:01

She was mostly packed. Okay, she was totally packed, except for Petey, lying on the middle of her floor and burbling happily with one of his toys. But she liked calling it mostly packed, anyway. It sounded less final ( Read more... )

places: room 308, little sister momoko, so long and thanks for all the machina, leaving fandom (for good this time), dōjima, people: jamie

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heromaniac May 5 2009, 01:47:39 UTC
Momoko did not like goodbyes. And Rikku was her favourite person on the island; her first friend in Fandom!

But she was going to try to not make it a sad goodbye - those were the worst! Which was why Momoko was smiling as she stood in the doorway, her eyes looking over the packed up room.

"So, rumour has it that you're not going to be just across the hall from me anymore?"


the_merriest May 5 2009, 01:50:06 UTC
"Funny thing about that," Rikku said sadly. "Seems once you graduate, they want you to leave."


heromaniac May 5 2009, 01:56:59 UTC
"That totally wasn't in the brochure!" Momoko rolled her eyes and grinned. "Seems like they'd want to keep people who can survive this place to graduate and be valedictorian and be the best big sis ever!"


the_merriest May 5 2009, 02:18:03 UTC
"Co-valedictorian," Rikku said, posing, "and I got lucky on the sibling fronts, because I've had two amazing little sibs. But I have to go, anyway. Yunie is burning herself out trying to save the world. Again. The girl forgets things like 'sleeping.' I have to go thump some heads."


heromaniac May 5 2009, 02:36:44 UTC
"The 'co' part just means you were nice enough to share!" Momoko informed her, proud as could be. "So you're going back to your own world, too, huh? At least you'll be with family, so that's good! But it's not a big huge 'have to die to save the world' thing, is it? Your world sounds dangerous enough without that! Do I have to worry about you and save up money for a portal so I can come find you if I don't hear from you for a long time?"


the_merriest May 5 2009, 02:54:24 UTC
"It's okay," Rikku said calmly. "We already did the huge, save-the-world thing. It's not like that, this time. It's lots of people being stupid and trying their darnedest not to get along, and my cousin Yuna -- everyone wants her to fix it, and she wants to make everyone happy, and wow, she needs a vacation."


heromaniac May 5 2009, 03:11:02 UTC
"Sounds like she should come here and visit! Then you wouldn't be able to leave and I won't be sad and we can all have ice cream! A perfect master plan!" Momoko nodded a moment, then dropped her shoulders and pouted. "This is so not fair! Everyone I know is leaving. You do have email and phones, right? You won't forget to let me know how you're doing? And I can write or call you when I've done something stupid because the island is crazy again, right? Right?"


the_merriest May 5 2009, 05:11:39 UTC
"I can't get her to stop," Rikku sighed. "I've tried. It's better when I'm there. I think that was my real role, as Guardian. Making sure Yuna didn't implode from all the pressure."

She sank down onto her bed. "Phones, yes, but it's gonna be messy. We're just getting cell towers, so the signal drops like crazy. So if you can't get through, just know that I'm thinking about all of you anyway, okay? No e-mail, which is going to suck. But letters go through just fine. And I'm probably going to be writing a lot, on nights when I don't have any signal."

She'd be staring at her phone and wishing she could talk to people, and probably writing really mopey letters. Especially to Reno.


heromaniac May 6 2009, 02:26:35 UTC
"Letters." Momoko repeated with a pout. "I know you're going home to your family and your old friends and all, so I am happy for you? But this sucks. Next year I'm not going to make any friends with any seniors." Or cute boys who can set themselves on fire, either.


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