Room 308, Saturday Morning

Apr 11, 2009 11:36

Rikku didn't want to wake up yet. It was warm and cozy under the covers, and just the sort of morning where you wanted to snuggle and be lazy and stay in bed all day. Or at least until it was early afternoon ( Read more... )

places: room 308, and sometimes things work out okay, au kids: ruba, reno, au kids: rede

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weetinyturk April 11 2009, 15:59:13 UTC
The door didn't get a chance to open very far before a little boy launched himself forward to attach himself like cling-wrap to Rikku's leg.

He would have said something, but really, he got his expansive vocabulary from his taller, balder father, and he figured the hug just about said it all anyhow.


the_merriest April 11 2009, 16:03:45 UTC
Rikku. Was.

She recognized that wee mop of hair and and and Rikku was trying very, very hard not to start crying.

She dropped to her knees to stare at him for a few seconds, brushing the hair out of his eyes, and okay, so much for not crying, because she could feel the tears welling up in her eyes.

"Rede?" she asked, her voice shaking.

And then she was going to wrap her arms around him and squeeze like he might disappear if she let go.


raspberryturk April 11 2009, 16:08:19 UTC
Saturday morning. Week sucked. Prom was good. Night had been late and awesome and there had been teeth. Sleep time, now. So, so sleep time.

Knock at the door? Reno could ignore that. Bah, doors. They were stupid anyhow. He'd roll over, and hide under the covers, and the door person would go away. Yeah.

Or Rikku could get it. Yeah. That'd wor-


Oh, you had better believe he was sitting up like a bolt, just then.


weetinyturk April 11 2009, 16:11:45 UTC
Rede didn't mind the squishy hug one bit. He hadn't had a hug quite this squishy in a year, and he'd missed it, and he was going to snuggle his face into Rikku's shoulder and not sniffle.

Turks didn't sniffle. Not even if his Reno and his Rude had told him it was okay to, sometimes. He was pretty sure they were just saying that to be nice.

"Hi," he said, because he really couldn't think of anything else to say.


the_merriest April 11 2009, 16:18:12 UTC
The "hi" was what did it, was what finally got her eyes to leak. Rede.

The one kid that wasn't hers at all, last time, but had called her Mom anyway. Because he'd needed a Mom and he'd gone back to the lab with a gun and a prayer and he was alive.

Rikku pulled back so she could swipe at the tears with the back of her hand. And then give him a firm kiss on the forehead and smile at him.

"Hey, kiddo," she said gently. "Good to see you again." She couldn't say how much.


raspberryturk April 11 2009, 16:26:49 UTC
Reno had pretty much tumbled out of bed in a mess of bedsheets by that point, and he was scrambling across the room to meet them. He'd heard Rede's voice, it wasn't some kind of cruel joke, the boy was alive, alive and he hadn't sent him running off to die or anything, and and and...

Well, at least one of the Turks in the room wasn't going to sniffle. Because Reno was failing horribly at holding back the waterworks.

"Oh, shit, kid..."


weetinyturk April 11 2009, 16:31:02 UTC
Oh, yes. That was totally the younger Reno. The one Rede had met when he finally got out of that basement wasn't quite so... Huggy.

Rede managed a little 'oof' as Reno joined the group hug, and then glanced between Rikku and the redhead, wide-eyed.

"The portal came back," he explained. On the off-chance that they hadn't somehow realized this. And then he snuggled up against Rikku some more. "I wanted to say hi."

And he had. See? Mission accomplished.


the_merriest April 11 2009, 16:43:55 UTC
More swiping at her eyes, here. Okay. Good. Right. "Hiya," she said, reaching up to smooth his hair back. "It's real nice of the portal to bring you back again. Are you ... i-is everything okay?"

There wasn't really a good way to ask, 'so, how did you survive, anyway?'


weetinyturk April 11 2009, 16:49:21 UTC
Rede nodded a little bit and offered a smile up to Rikku.

"Reno never changes his phone number, ever. Rude says it's bad form for a Turk, but it meant that I got through to him, after..."

... Well. He wasn't going to actually go into detail about...

He squeezed his eyes shut and snuggled some more. That was better, anyhow.


the_merriest April 11 2009, 16:56:35 UTC
Rikku pulled him close and placed her lips on the top of his head. Okay, she might have been rocking him a little. So sue her.

"After you did what you had to do," she said gently. "Just like a Turk."


raspberryturk April 11 2009, 17:14:05 UTC
"Damn fine Turk," Reno agreed, nuzzling into the both of them.

Rede was alive. He could sleep at night, not worrying that he'd sent his own blood off to get killed by Hojo or worse.

And, just as important, Rede was alive and he seemed okay.

Reno wasn't going to get many words out while he was having this revelation, really. He was going to just hang on for dear life.


startswithanr April 11 2009, 17:19:00 UTC
"Hug pile!" Ruba yelled happily. She liked hug piles! The door was open so she was just going to fling herself onto it. This mostly meant tackling Daddy's back, but he wouldn't mind. He said that Ruba-hugs were awesome hugs an' Daddy wouldn't lie about that.


raspberryturk April 11 2009, 17:25:53 UTC
"Hug pi-OOF."

Reno was still sleeping, wasn't he? No, wait, he'd thought that last year. The day after prom. Well, duh, then.

"Ruba!" See, he was capable of putting his sniffles away in the blink of an eye. Turk Power. And hug pile power. Hug piles were pretty potent things, after all. "Been a while, kiddo!"

Well, to him, anyhow.


startswithanr April 11 2009, 17:43:42 UTC
"Nuh-uhhhhhh," Ruba insisted. "I saw you this mooooooorning. Just afore the glowy thing."

Obviously, if she had seen him, he had seen her. Four-year-old logic at its best.

Ruba was now going to wrap her arms around Rede's back, as well. "Hiiiiiii."


weetinyturk April 11 2009, 17:56:08 UTC
Rede blinked, but he remembered this sort of thing clearly enough from the last time he'd been here.

"Hi," he said, kind of shyly, as he craned his head around as best as he could manage in order to see his mysterious assailant.

Puddle-girl! "I missed you, too," he decided. If only because she was the best puddle-splasher that the world had ever seen.


the_merriest April 11 2009, 18:20:27 UTC
Rikku was going to lean over and kiss Reno on the cheek. She could breathe again. Rede was okay. He was alive. And Ruba -- okay, Rikku needed to reach out and scoop Ruba up close and nuzzle her.

Without letting go of Rede, dammit.

"I missed both of you," she sighed.


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