Okay, so, Rikku had finally moved into her cabin. Hooray, cabins! And now she had a chocobo in her lap, and it was kwehing at her and pthhhhbbting and awwww. Way too cute.
She had to use this for evil. It was like a law.
Good thing she had Rude's phone number... )
"... Rikku?!"
Reno warked at her. Hi! Hi!
Rikku blinked and wondered if her little sister was going to think she was dating a wee!chocobo, which ... would be kinda not good.
She rubbed her eyes. "Reno and I were trying to have a date, and Fandom has a really bad sense of humor? So he's kinda ... um."
Reno kwehed happily at the newcomer.
Reno kwehed again happily, bobbing towards Momoko. Maybe she'd pet him! Hi! Hi! Hi!
She frowned a little. "His job is kinda ... something he does, back home?" Not worth going into. Okay. "But lots of people have jobs, around here. If you want to get one downtown, there's usually people hiring. It's just kinda nice to have a little extra money, you know? But, I mean, you don't have to or anything."
Now that she had permission, Momoko breached the final distance and tried to pat Reno's chest. She wasn't sure WHERE on a bird you were supposed to pet, but it looked to be the... featheriest. "Soooo cute! I don't mind if you bite, so long as you don't mean it."
"I guess it's different, here," Rikku said, mulling it over. "Studying and all, I mean. If you think you need time to study, that's totally cool. Just that I usually don't until finals, you know? So maybe you have time after all. You should see."
"So, we've gotta stay in cabins now instead of dorms- this is gonna be interesting! Do you know who else is in our cabin yet?"
But she wanted to.
"Dojima? Oh, she's in my modeling class. I haven't spoken with her much, but she seems very nice. Ah! And she was in the common room with the TV! I remember that now; she was yelling at the boys and changing the channels for them!"
Or at all. Ew. Tarantulas.
She grinned, at the last bit. "Dojima's dating Romeo and the four of us kinda have a posse going, except that doesn't mean anything except we call ourselves a posse whenever we're up to no good. Which is usually. You should say hi to her some time, she's awesome."
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