Okay, so, Rikku had finally moved into her cabin. Hooray, cabins! And now she had a chocobo in her lap, and it was kwehing at her and pthhhhbbting and awwww. Way too cute.
She had to use this for evil. It was like a law.
Good thing she had Rude's phone number... )
If there was a particular boy in her cabin, well, she still wasn't sure how she felt about that. Yurika liked having her personal space.
It took a bit of handwaved asking around, but she finally found what she hoped was the right cabin. "Rikku!" she yelled, banging on the door, "wanna go hit Caritas?"
Reno warked at Doji. Hi! Hi! Hi!
Reno was lucky he was so damn cute.
She was going to need a moment to boggle.
"Please tell me that isn't who I think it is?" she asked faintly, reaching out a hand for the - Reno? - to investigate. "What did he do now?"
"Goggles and his tattoos," she said, nodding to him. "I think that's why one of his feathers is bright blue, 'cause of the ... other tat? We, uh, we were trying to have a date. Huge mistake."
Reno nuzzled happily against Dojima's fingers. Pettings! He loved pettings! They were the bestest things ever.
"So you've got Birdbrain here, and Petey, and the ferret to deal with right now?" Dōjima whistled and shook her head. "Let me know if you want me to take one of them for an afternoon, so they don't all gnaw on each other. Alea doesn't seem to mind Petey too much."
So did Petey, who had just decided that Dojima's anklet looked like it might be fun to attack.
Anything Petey could chew on, he usually did. It was like his hobby.
"You could always be bad and dump Reno on Romeo for a bit," she suggested. "They can have boy-bird bonding time or something, if you need some sleep. Somehow we ended up in the same cabin, this time."
Petey mrowled happily at Rikku, letting go of the anklet in order to rest one of his paws on her face. Hi! Hi!
Which earned her a wark from the abandoned chocobo on the bed.
Which earned him an interested look from Petey, who hopefully thought of him as a playmate and not a snack food.
Rikku shook her head. "You see what I deal with? Okay. I'll let you play with Reno, but you be good, Petey." She plopped Petey down onto her bed, where he began sniffing Reno with some curiosity.
"You really don't think he'd mind? I don't mind watching Reno or anything, it's just kinda ... pet city around here."
"Which reminds me, you have taken pictures, right?" Clearly, Dōjima had her priorities.
Reno peeped happily at Petey, who began chewing on his neck. In a friendly-like manner, so it seemed okay.
Thank goodness the ferret was asleep?
As if putting a giant chocobo on his ass wasn't punishment enough.
"Rude's pretty cool. He's the one Reno usually works with. We chat, sometimes. I met him back at MercCon, when Reno had to beg him for the chopper."
Reno warked his agreement. Which meant Rikku had to scoop him up and nuzzle him. It earned her a said yowl from Petey, but he'd get over it. When he forgot it ever happened. In about four seconds.
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