Room 308, Monday Night

Mar 26, 2007 20:57

Rikku gave up and tossed her pen down. The letter wasn't getting anywhere. Maybe she'd lie and tell Yunie that the post office was broken again.

Somehow, the better she felt, the worse she felt. Not all of her, just a tiny bit deep down that maybe didn't think it was so okay for her to be here in the first place. And lately she'd felt amazing, so that little part of her was ... pretty bad.

Hey, Yunie, I'm doing wonderfully. How are you? Still miserable?

I'm learning so much in my classes, you wouldn't even believe it. Have you left Besaid this month?

I got to star in a movie as a rubber chicken. Do people still travel to pay you homage?

Sometimes I sing the Bork Bork song at lunch. Are you even eating?

My boyfriend actually said he loves me. Can you believe that? How's yours? Oh, right, still dead. Seeing anybody new yet?

I guess he's not dead. You have to be alive to die, right? I'm sure that helps.

I'm in cheerleading, it's really great! Do you still have to give speeches in Luca?

I'm making all kinds of neat friends. Do Wakka and Lulu remember you're there?

You said that you'd never forget him. I think sometimes I wish you had.

Her Summoner was wasting away, and she was sitting in a dorm room in a different dimension. Some Guardian she was.


still a guardian dammit, a friend in need, worrying about yunie again, letters from home, not so merry

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