So tomorrow morning, I'm off! Off for happy anniversary goodness, and a real (short, but still counts!) vacation, which I haven't had in four years since ... right, the honeymoon. Heh. This constitutes the "TMI" portion of my post. :)
From tomorrow morning until Saturday mid-to-late afternoon, I'm going to be AFK. Well, the hotel has wifi, but I am trying to fight down my 'net addiction, and thus will only be popping in sporadically.
Rikku will be opening the Wellspring Arms tomorrow, before we take off, and is there for massive extreme SP if you need to pester her. She'll be meeting her Parents' Weekend guests (YAY) on Friday via preplay, and then having a little adventure Friday night, also preplayed. The rest of the time she's gonna be holed up in her room, missing her Jude and moping. Hermione has full modding rights, and the visitors and Lulu can also mod her where needed. (Mel Fray can mod Rikku if and only if the situation involves a stolen car, nudity, chimichangas, and illicit lesbianism.)
Naminé doesn't have any guests, and will be spending a great deal of her time in Valentine's room; he and her roommate Liz can mod her.
The Jerries will be passed out on the floor of OrangeShoeSevenAide, drunk. Or hung over. Then probably drunk again.
Last, but very important: major snaps to
key_of_heart for showing me
this, which I made a new OOC icon from. Dang it, now I want the game ...