Tuesday Midmorning, Room 407

Jul 10, 2007 12:48

Rikku was glad that Jude never locked his door. Because that meant when weird things happened - like, say, him and his roommate both turning into animals at the same time - she could still get in to feed the third resident of room 407. Namely, Fish.

Rikku let herself in and began navigating the post-apocalyptic disaster area that was room 407. She wasn't entirely sure where Fish's food was, but there was Fish, chillin' in his bowl. And looking far too mellow for a fish. "Heya," she greeted him.

Fish cheerfully blew a few bubbles in her direction.

And that's when the Judekitty stirred in Rikku's legpouch. Hey! He was back in his room! This was great! He mrowled once for his Rikku and then jumped down to the ground, stretching out.

"Heyyyyy," Rikku said quickly. "Jude. You're gonna be good, right?" Maybe she shouldn't have brought him. Didn't everyone say that cats and fish didn't get along?

The Judekitty chittered at her. Of course he would! He was always good for his Rikku. Honestly.

Fish was now circling the bowl excitedly, bonking his head in the direction of his food.

Rikku bit her lip. Okay, Jude seemed to be behaving, and ... score! "Thanks, Fish," she grinned, spotting the container of fish flakes. She was getting way too used to talking to animals lately.

She only turned her back for a second.

Hey! It was Fish! Whoa! He hadn't seen Fish in ages! The Judekitty jumped up excitedly, scaling one of the precarious towers of pizza boxes and then scampering along the shelf to Fish's bowl.

Rikku hadn't realized that fish could scream until she heard the high-pitched whistly noise. She whirled around and saw ...

"No! Jude! Get down!" she gasped, reaching out for him.

The Judekitty mrred at her, wriggling out of her grasp. His Fish! He wanted to say hi! He scooted around behind Fish's bowl and emerged on the other side, headbutting it affectionately. Fish! Hey, Fish!

Fish sped to the other side of the bowl, as if the three inches of distance would save him from a predator.

"Dammit, Jude, please," Rikku insisted, pulling him away again. "If you eat your pet, you are so never gonna forgive me."

The Judekitty whined unhappily at Rikku before stretching out again to headbutt the side of the fishbowl. And mrrr in Fish's direction.

Fish stopped his frantic circles for a moment, and turned to look at Jude. After a few seconds, he swam a little closer, hesitantly, and blew a tentative bubble.

The Judekitty mewed a response, placing a paw on the side of Fish's bowl.

Fish swam in a happy little loop, then bonked his head on the side of the bowl, where Jude's paw was.

The Judekitty headbutted back happily.

Rikku blinked. Ohhhhhhhkay. "So, uh, you guys are still friends?" she asked Jude. "I mean, it's safe?"

... Way, way too used to it, by this point.

The Judekitty gave his Rikku's hands an affectionate swipe with his tongue before wiggling away again, this time pacing behind Fish's bowl and then flopping down for a nap, curled cheerfully around it.

Fish flicked his tail a few times at the Judekitty before looking back at Rikku expectantly. Food time? Yes?

Rikku shook her head, laughing as she sprinkled Fish's food into his bowl. "Totally too cute for words, you guys."

The half-asleep Judekitty purred in agreement with that. He really was, you know.

Rikku stretched out on Jude's bed. She didn't have anywhere to be just yet. Maybe they'd just hang out with Fish for a while.

(Open, if you want to chill with the pets.)

jude-dude: jude's a kitty?, places: room 407, interspecies friendships

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