OOC: Gaia Online prompt

Oct 26, 2006 14:39

Some few weeks ago, I entered Merodi in a flatsale for a breedable Gaian pet. I didn't win, but the prompt provides some insight on Merodi and Lord Doink (Xaldin Number Three hadn't arrived yet). SO HERE IS MY PROMPT. Beneath the LJ-cut. I had fun writing this. :D

Your Name: Merodi D`Entremont (OC character)

Your Eden's Name: Rikash

Your Eden's Gender: Male

Your Eden's Soul: Chinchilla

Which prompt do you answer?: A

The Prompt: The first time Merodi served up dinner for Rikash, he devoured it eagerly. This happened for the second, third, and fourth time. The fifth and sixth time, Rikash hesitated before digging in. The seventh time he finished only half of his meal, displaying less enthusiasm then before. The eighth time he only poked listlessly at his food, staring hopefully at Merodi.

If he had hoped that Merodi would notice his discomfort, it would be a long time before she would notice anything wrong. Fortunately for Rikash, Lord Christian Pollyanna Doink the First also known as just Lord Doink, the Tonberry that followed Merodi around, noticed Rikash's lack of interest in his dinner. Tugging (slowly) on Merodi's sleeve, Lord Doink trilled and (slowly) raised a arm, pointing towards Rikash and his dinner plate. Merodi paused, blinking, to look at Lord Doink then to look at what Lord Doink was point at - a guilty-looking Rikash picking at his meal. Merodi frowned, brow furrowed in worry.

"What's wrong?" she asked. "Are you sick?" She reached out to rest a hand on the boy's forehead to feel for a sign of a fever. Rikash shook his head, and Merodi dropped her hand, feeling no fever. Rikash dropped his head, staring miserably at his dinner. Merodi followed his gaze, still frowning.

"Do you want more lucky charms?" she asked, worrying.

"No..." the boy replied.

"How about the snickers? Do you want me to add more snickers?"


"Is it the coco puffs? Or the rolo ice cream? Do you want more of them?"

Rikash looked a bit green. "No!"

"Are you sure you're not sick? You look sort of green," she remarked, leaning in closer to Rikash to scrutinize his coloring. Lord Doink quietly shuffled to the kitchen.

"'M not sick," Rikash denied, shaking his head vehemently. He hesitated before continuing. "'M sick of this," he explained, poking at the mess of cereal, ice cream, and candy on his plate that Merodi had been serving for over a week. She blinked in surprise.

"You're sick of candy?" she asked in wonderment. Rikash nodded mutely. Merodi frowned once again. She'd never heard of anyone getting sick of candy. Well then, there was only one thing to do!

"To the kitchen!" Merodi declared, pointing in the general direction of where she thought the kitchen was. Rikash slipped off his chair and gently turned Merodi the other direction.

"To the kitchen!" Merodi declared again, bouncing eagerly towards the kitchen with Rikash in tow. Inside the kitchen, Lord Doink was placing the phone back in its cradle when he saw the Merodi and Rikash heading towards the refridgerator. He silently shuffled out of the kitchen, in no particular hurry.

Merodi opened the fridge. She and Rikash looked about for anything edible.

"How about a sandwich?" she suggested.

"Moldy," Rikash said, wrinkling his nose and pointing at the bread still lying in its plastic wrapping.

"We could just eat the peanut butter and jelly from the jars!"

Upon closer examination however, the peanut butter had became a greyish brown caulky mess while the jelly had been reduced to a sticky red liquid with lumps. Merodi would've eaten that for dinner had not Rikash insisted on throwing them out. After rummaging through the fridge some more, Merodi's eyes lit up.

"Pot roast!" she exclaimed. Rikash looked at the hunk of meat curiously.

"Pot roast?" he asked, not sure what that was. Merodi smiled and nodded. "Pot roast! My mother used to make it for me!" She headed with the meat to the sink to thaw the meat. This time it was Rikash that looked worried. He'd never seen Merodi cook anything before; only throwing things together.

"D'you know how to make it?" he asked. Merodi nodded. "I used to watch my mother cook all the time! It's easy!"

Five minutes later, Merodi and Rikash were dancing around the merrily blazing oven when Lord Doink shuffled in with the fire extinguisher. With the patient air of someone who has done this before, the Tonberry put out the fire with ease. As Lord Doink extinguished the last ember, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it! I'll get it!" shrieked Merodi, excited by the thought of a visitor, the fire forgotten along with her soot-stained clothes and face. Skidding to a halt in front of the door, she opened it and grinned at the pizza man staring at her in surprise at her appearance.

"Hello! My name is Merodi! Oooh, pizza! Rikash, we have pizza!" she called, turning to face Rikash and Lord Doink who had just entered the room. Rikash, also soot-stained, brightened when he heard the word 'pizza'.



"..." was all that the Tonberry said.

Before the pizza man could say anything, Merodi took the pizza box from his hands and walked towards the dining room, Rikash hovering about her as she opened the box.

"Oooh, it's combination! With lots of mushrooms! I love mushrooms!" Merodi exclaimed happily.

"H-hey! You've got to pay for that!" the pizza man said, stepping into the house. Something bumped against his leg. He looked down to find himself Lord Christian Pollyanna Doink the First staring up at him. "What do you wan-"

Rikash paused in mid-chew. "D'ya hear someone screaming?"

Merodi frowned and tilted her head. "Yes - wait, it's stopped. Oh, hello Lord Christian Pollyanna Doink the First! Would you like a pizza? There's mushrooms!"

Lord Doink trilled happily, holding up the hand that did not carry the blood-stained knife for the pizza. He munched happily on his slice, star spinning above his head as the blood on his robes dripped onto the floor. Rikash wrinkled his nose. "Doink got into some paint again!"


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