Here we go again

Jun 14, 2006 14:19


Today will be our first volleyball game of the season. As well as our second game. We play at 7 and 8:30pm, and as far as we know, Albion Softball will be the best team in the league. Unless you count Team Domination, aka the Holly varsity volleyball team. I hope they don't take it too seriously...I mean it's a league that's really just charity for the Relay For Life. Anyway, I'm pretty sure we'll lose most of our games, but as long as the money gets to the American Cancer Society, then I'm happy.

Also, Ben Roethlisberger is an idiot. I never thought I'd see foreshadowing in real life. I thought it was just a literary tool, but when ESPN featured Big Ben talking about motorcycle helmet etiquette on the heels of Kellen Winslow Jr.'s motorcycle accident, it struck me as weird to have HIM on, but it seems to have been eerily prophetic. So to all the kids out there, if you're going to get on a "death-cycle" wear your helmet, please, so you don't chip or lose the majority of your teeth when you smash head-first into a car's windshield. Also J.J. Redick is dumb. You're like the best college player this year, and then you get a DWI. Way to be a role-model, Jayj. In the immortal words of Mike Claus, "Just give ME the scholarship!" Claus wouldn't get a DWI that's for sure. But he probably wouldn't hit 3-pointers from half court either.'s been a slow week for me, but B-dubs is always a welcome distraction. I tried Sam Adams' Cherry-Wheat...It's pretty good, if you get a chance. And I've been very active, running almost daily and playing basketball 2 consecutive nights (although the 2nd night killed us all...we played a 7 game series, and my team lost in the 6th game...) It's fun being home; we'll see how long that lasts with people leaving for internships and such.

And the 'Rado Roadtrip may be back on!

And the Lewis-Tramper wedding is only a week and a half away!

I hope this post finds you in the best of aching leg runs and anticipatory volleyball mindsets.

-The Man
-The Myth
-The Melv

"English, do you speak it?",
Josh Melvin

(I just saw Pulp Fiction for the 1st time, and I loved it.)
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