I can haz soot?

Apr 06, 2010 12:28

Yesterday G and I took delivery of a big, ginger puffball belonging to a friend.  It's v. strange having a pusscat back in the house just after I'd got used to being without one.  Her name is Jinjarella (Jinja for short) and we're cat-sitting her for a week in our place.

Note the sooty whiskers...

She's scared of her own shadow and spent the entire first day hiding behind the sofa.  When I coaxed her out she went and hid behind the toilet instead.  Eventually, after a bit more coaxing, she decided I was not such a bad sort and started to purr before doing a full patrol of the flat.

She was very thorough.  Not a single nook or cranny was left uninvestigated.  When we were trying to watch the Uni C grand final, we heard a scrabbling noise and looked over to see her disappearing up the chimney.  Today she is a bit more chilled but the slightest noise still sends her scuttling for safety.  (e.g. she heard a dog bark outside and went straight back up the chimney).

And if you don't believe me, I haz evidence...    farm5.static.flickr.com/4027/4496126579_a36d8137c4_o.jpg

Apart from that, I've hibernated for the whole of the Easter weekend.  I've been feeling very odd and antisocial lately, so I did something I haven't done in years - I wrapped myself up in a game.  I'm finally playing Fallout 3 on my Xbox, which is so entertaining that I suspect even non-gamers might enjoy it.

I get to live in a post-apocalytic wasteland, interacting with people, exploring, solving problems, gunslinging and behaving in whatever way appeals.  Currently I am so saintly that there is a little picture of Jesus on my status page and people keep giving me presents.  I've rescued countless people from baddies and keep giving water to elderly tramps.  As a result the baddies hate me, but I've built up my gun skills to the extent that I can run around like a gun-crazed ninja all day taking the heads off evil mutants while listening to vintage choons on the radio.  WIN!  I'm also becoming quite good at hacking computers and lockpicking.

One of my current tasks is to find a home for an orphaned boy.  G likes to advise me on what to do next and has read on the interweb that I have an option of selling  him into slavery...  (I might re-play the game sometime as an out-and-out baddie.)

Amusingly, G's attitude in the game is not unlike his behaviour in real life.  When we first moved into our real-life flat there were 1001 things that needed doing to make it lovely and liveable in.  Much to my chagrin, G insisted that the top priority was doing the loft floor so that it could be used as storage.  As it turned out he was competely right... we would have died without that storage space during the years of DIY.

Anyway he's exactly the same in the game and spent much of Easter Sunday nagging me to disarm a nuclear bomb so that I could be rewarded with a house to use as storage for all of my heavy weaponry.  (It turns out he was quite right... again.)   I even have a robot butler who tells me nerdy jokes on request.  (A neutron orders a beer and the barman says "No charge")

The only flaw is that the game programmers have made less effort for people who choose to play as a girl.   Although the significant characters are programmed to react to me as a woman, the minor characters are a bit dim.  Hence  I am surrounded by women offering me hokey-sounding sex while the men punch me on the shoulder and tell me I'm a great "guy".  On the plus side, I have acquired a pet dog called Dogmeat who goes and finds me ammo or drugs on request.

Oh good grief...  the cat has just fled up the chimney again upon hearing a flyer being pushed through the letterbox.   (One of these days I might get a photo of her with her head popping out of there, looking like Ceiling Cat.)

scarediest cat evah, gaming, fallout 3

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