i have not posted in FOREVER. I just have a quick one.
I quit my job in old city because the owner/my boss/my friend/craziest bitch ever to skank around the streets of old city, finaly became too much to handle. Somehow, inbetween boning most of the male population in OC, snorting $200 of blow a night, popping $100 of perces, endos, oxy's, valium, etc a day, she managed to push me over the edge. It was not her incessant 4am paranoid "I THINK SOMEONE IS AT MY DOOR" phone calls or her oh so business savvy decsions to ban anyone from the bar that she disliked (including a middle aged couple from Iowa visiting Philly for the first time) or her very reasonanble and sane acts of locking herself in the basement during First Fridays or even her stealing money out of the communal tip bucket and telling the new lawyer/bartender that started that night that "No, it's your 3rd grade math that is wrong, not mine"...it was the fact that she said Tulia was not allowed in the bar anymore. Why, you ask? Was it because Tulia would get drunk and fight with the other upstanding patrons of Charlies? Nope. Maybe Tulia would forget to pay her enormous tab night after night? Nada. It must have been Tulias penchance for getting drunk on tequila and stripping on top of the bar, thus stealing even more tips from us because she was getting singles shoved down her bright pink g string...Wait, no, not that either. The reason? Because Tulia came in and out of the bar a few times a night. Thats right. That crazy bitch girlfriend of mine walked in and out of a public place twice, maybe even-gasp!-three times a night!! See the beauty of this entire thing is, Tulia walked in and out of the bar a lot, that is not a lie...and what for, you might be asking yourself? Well, to get esther candy. condoms. pregnancy tests. and, on more then one occasion, to get miss esther her "medicine" so that she might function like a "normal" member of society. so that was it. at first, when i heard of the impending expellation of tulia, i was like, ok i will talk to you about it later esther. then i got heated. very heated. i was like fuck this and fuck you. there is something to be said for a boss who cannot keep an employee for longer then 8 months. Ed, the bartender with seniority-ha since JULY- walked out on a Saturday night. Just like that. Handed her the keys and said, Good Luck, with a smirk. My new hero. The following weekend, the only other employee, other then myself and esther the owner, decided to not show up...good for her! Three days later, I excused myself from the duties of underpaid bar wench, absused friend, and waaay underpaid therapist. So now it is her. And two new people that have a combined experience at Charlies of, oh I don't know...2 weeks!?!? So that is that. I have another job, luckily. And my boss there said that he was going to get me a job, just a few shifts a week at...La Bec Fin. Yes. That is right. I am not getting too excited about it yet, as to not be totally disappointed if it does not work out, but he did work there as a manager for like 15 years. Cross fingers, hope, and whatever. It will work out.
Last night we went to dinner with this boy alex. It was yummy and he bought us roses. afterwards, Paula and Russel came over and we had some oc fun and homemade red wine goodness. We watched Derailed, which is throughly fucked up and started 50 cent's masterpiece of cinema, but that pleasure was thwarted but the undeniable fact that the sun was rising, which meant little connor would be too. All in all, great night. Will do it again, and soon. Today work. Saturday...who knows. That is all for now.
Oh. And Britney needs to pack the wedge sandles away, grap herself a pair of keds and invest in a stroller, like now. That poor tater tot will not make it to his first birthday. I know all new mothers make mistakes, and hers are only highlighted and seem so abdundant because of her status as a celebrity, but goddamn girl! Where is her mother? Her mother should be smacking her. That is who I blame. New moms should always have their own mom's there to help them and point out the fact that hey! walking in a crowd in heels and jeans that was too long, is not a good idea with a tater in one hand and a drink in the other. and hello moron! read the directions that come with your car seat- the kid face backwards til at least 20lbs or 1 year old. I dont know who I feel worse for-Sean or that new little K fag demon seed....Just one more free advertisment for condoms. Or abortions.
Brandon Davis is a greasy pig. Paris Hilton is a slutty pig. Funny that he speculates on Lindsays vagina...when the whole damn world knows what skanky Paris' vagina looks like. The fact that Brandon said he would rather sleep with Michael Lohan then Lindsay makes the whole thing a little less insulting to LiLo. Viva la Idle Celebutantes!