Greetings and Salutations

Dec 31, 2020 03:03

In the past, this journal had always been public and, obviously, that has now changed to friends only. The reasons are as follows.

First, I've come to realize that while I may have no qualms about sharing my most intimate thoughts and ramblings, other people may not be so keen on reading it.

Second and more important, it has come to my attention that LJ is far more accessible than it once was and while I have always attempted to disguise names and situations to protect the innocent, so to speak, doing so can't always be successful. It is flat out unfair to the other people in my life to speak about them and their lives with the same candor and openness that I speak about my own.

If you would like access to my journal, feel free to comment here. My apologies in advance, as I will not automatically friend everyone who comments. If I do decide to friend you, welcome to my rabbit hole.

Please keep in mind that I will continue to make my best efforts to disguise the places and people in my life, using largely nicknames and first names only. Also, please remember, that my journal has never and will never be censored in any way shape or form other than the aforementioned caveat. This journal has always been more akin to a personal diary than anything else and taking a short walk in someone else's mind isn't always the most comfortable of ideas. There will be adult language, adult situations and entries that qualify as too much information.