May 03, 2006 15:49
It has been a long time since I have updated this thing, to long in fact. But now I have no excuse. I have high speed internet, and if I can get this dang adapter to work from Tomatovine (I have to call tech support) I will have VIOP!
I have decided to use this forum as a tool to voice my views on the issues of the day. I know there are those of you out there who do not like this sort of thing, but it cannot be helped. I am becoming increasingly more frustrated and upset over the liberal bias in the media and the consequential ignorance of the vast majority of the American population. And so I am making a solemn vow and pledge to do something about it, here and now. To bring the truth and help to expose the "drive by" news media for what they are, a bunch of partisan political hacks. If you don't like it, don't read it.
I am also becoming very upset about the lack of spine in Washington DC. There are certian Replublicans who were elected by the American people to do a job. To defend our nation, to stand up for what is right. Instead we have a bunch of politicians who cant even make good decisions that would benefit them poitically. Talk about inept. If they are so worried about the upcoming November elections then stand up for what is right. Stand up and fight to secure our borders. This is not a human rights or a racial issue, this is a national security issue. Have we learned nothing from 9-11?! Stand up and make the tax cuts that have spurred this economy and have brought us record low unemployment levels permanent. Stand up behind our troops and their Commander in Chief in the war on Terrorism. Stand up proudly and tell the American people the truth, that we are winning, and we will win this war. Don't let the Democrats who are vested in our defeat have a monopoly on the Sunday morning news shows. Do these things and you will energize your base and you will win. Continue to ignore the American people and you will lose. The Democrats will gain control of Congress, we will surrender the war on terror, taxes will go up, our economy will decline, and dirty bomb toting terrorists will walk across our border with the millions of other ILLEGAL immigrants. God help us.