When I straighten my hair, it falls to the middle of my back. I haven't had my hair this long in YEEAAARRS. I have always despised long hair on me simply because I find the curls and humidity simply unbearable. I wasn't allowed to cut my hair until I was 15. By then it was down to my waist and in bad shape because I refused to take care of it in hopes that my mom would have mercy and allow me to cut it off. It didn't work. A week after I turned 15 I chopped my hair off to my neck. It was a grand day. Ever since then I have never had it pass my shoulders. Now, years later, I have it to the middle of my back before it curls up and lays a little below my shoulders. It still bothers me but I take care of my hair very well and I plan on letting it grow out. I intend on cutting it though so no worries. Once I have decided what is sufficient, I am going to trim my hair but donate it to
Locks of Love. Children and/or cancer are very dear to my heart and I want to be able to do anything I can for such a great cause.
I think my hair is worth it.
I hope I can make 10 inches.