With the passing of the
LOLCAPs, I hope you’re not too upset to give the news headlines a chance. I promise, although they may seem lame now, they will get better (just like the episodes have done… ahem…).
And so, dear reader, SPN TONIGHT: NEWS HEADLINES - you can has it! Obligatory warnings:
1. It’s SPOILERY! Like all the other
SPN headlines will be SPOILERY!
2. None of the people, characters, plots or owt belong to me. It’s all The God Who Is Eric Kripke’s, baby.
Your Mileage May Vary regarding the humour herein. Please comment if you feel the need.
4. Each episode will probably prompt 5 (yes, just five) caps, so it’s probably not going to be as dial-up-eatery as the LOLcaps. Yay!
5. Distribute, disseminate, share, RT and generally pimp the link to this page wherever you want - but please do not nick my icon or pretend you made these entries. (If anyone wants raw caps just ask and I'll send them.)
6. There is no number 6.
And so I give you:
Dean Winchester in invisible baby still snots all over undeserving shirt shocker:
Mitch Pileggi comes up with plan to stop David Duchovney’s reign over ratings:
Dean teaches Lisa proper way to eliminate spiders:
Dean unimpressed by new show ‘Nikita’:
Dean’s attempt at double-axle puppy eyes manoeuvre in midst of cookie-begging lip-pout leaves 3.47 million fans (domestic) and a further 168 million downloaders with respiratory problems:
And that’s all the news that fit to print. The 6x03 edition will be ready sometime tomorrow. Until then, goodnight - and good luck.