RUN! SAVE YOURSELVES! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! This post is roughly 130 caps!
Also, a warning: Your Mileage May Vary regarding the humour and/or motivations of characters herein. Please feel free, nay, BEGGED to share your differing viewpoints. This is just what I came up with after an initial watch (with one hand over my mouth) and a re-watch to cap and snark.
So here we go: for @Tiny_Winchester, @Moksha_ and everyone who loves an affectionate piss-take: the completely unofficial and in every way parochial Supernatural 5x13 recap!
Yet again, my only defence is that I was suffering from enjoying Ackle-eptic fits that unfortunately caused temporary insanity. Or it could have been the vodka + cheese tacquitos during the second viewing.
And here we go...!
Phew! Told you it was a loooooong one! No idea how long the next one will be - but judging by the trailer, I hope it can be a little shorter…
Hope you enjoyed summat about tonight’s offering - it took me over 5 hours this time…