Guess what…

Feb 19, 2009 01:25

I did another one. It was hard to write, hard to proof-read, hard to get over. I actually wrote it while ‘The One That Won’t Be Made Into An Episode’ was in post-production. There’s a long story behind how I was able to come up with this latest one, and just why I was capable of doing what I did. As always, there were mitigating circumstances.

Yes, it’s another ‘Supernatural’ story - and this is not a script. While I loved doing it, and was pretty bummed having to put an end to all the fun and games that was ‘10,817 Days’, I have come to realise that no-one really likes a story in script format. Ah well. There was no way that one was going to work as a story in the usual way, so I stand by my decision to go with peer suggestions and write the damn thing as a script. I was pleased with it, it gave me a lot of pleasure to do, so it served my purpose. More than enough. It re-energised me to write stuff again. And for that I am eternally grateful.

So anyway, you want the new one, right? Sorry. I’m babbling. That’s what happens when vodka and Led Zeppelin are your companions at 1.30am.

So here we go:

Title: “Means To An End”

Rating: Rated T for language (and possibly t’issues).
Spoilers for season 4. Set after 4x14.
This is my humble vision of The End. (Maybe.) Includes, inevitably, character death. Was once a 2-shot, now it’s a 3-shot: I simply couldn’t bear leaving it like that.
Posted first (as always) at

I do not own the TV show ‘Supernatural’ either in whole or in part, but I wish I could write episodes full time. Or get a life. Or both.

Chapters one and two are already up - the third and final chapter will be up in a few days. And that, dear readers, really will be all I wrote.

Well, not forever, obviously. But for that one story.

Peach and lube, people, peach and lube. Although you may hate me after these two chapters. But please, have faith in me for a (hopefully) surprising chapter three...

fan fiction, dean winchester, bobby singer, sam winchester, castiel, supernatural

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