I had my first gray hair scare this past weekend. I was washing my hands in the airport bathroom when I looked in the mirror and saw this strand. It was silver and stuck out like a sore thumb amidst the rest of my black hair. For about ten seconds, I freaked. Was this the beginning of my end? Was this what turning 30 did to a person? I was, in no way, equipped to handle gray hair. I was about to go digging for it, to extract it like one would a nasty weed, until I remembered where I was, and that probably the other women using the bathroom wouldn't appreciate me leaning over the bathroom counter while I yanked out hair. Opting instead to rearrange it until the silver strand disappeared, I forgot about the matter until a few hours later when I was at my sister's. There, I tasked my mother with finding and removing the offensive strand. She never did find it, which means it was probably just the glint off the bathroom light, and that was that.
In a way, I feel like my 30th birthday has been sort of like that experience. Everyone's been saying, "It's the big 3-0!" like some grand event is supposed to take place - be it my body spontaneously falling apart, being suddenly blessed with infinite wisdom that only comes with maturity and age, or both. But for my own part, it's been like any other birthday: just another year older and an excuse to have all the attention centered on yourself for one day. And, honestly, that's how I like it. :)
It's been a nice one. I was at work for most of it, obviously, but I got so many emails, Facebook messages, e-cards, and phone calls, it's a wonder I got any work done at all. My co-workers also helped celebrate by going out to lunch with me, and even my judge remembered the day. That was a major but pleasant surprise. I also got my flu shot today, and I like to pretend that was my employer's gift to me.
But the bestest present is still to come.
happychemist arrives tomorrow and I can't wait!!! It's nice having a birthday that backs into a long weekend and even nicer to have friends who'll make the trek to visit me. :D