Jun 10, 2008 19:53
I don't normally mind thunderstorms, except last week during the Maelstrom of Thunderstorms I lost my power twice. Fortunately, the first one happened on a Sunday afternoon so it was still light out and I could get necessary provisions. By the next one on Wedneday, I was prepared. Went to bed early that night, for once. ;)
This week, I'd really rather not lose power again as that would mean losing the A/C. It's really, really, really, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally hot out right now. I'm looking forward to the break in weather we're supposed to get by this weekend. It's too hot for even June!
In other news, I had a wisdom tooth extracted on Friday. All in all, it went well. In fact, I was boxing on Wii by that night. I think having only one tooth extracted makes all the difference, because I remember being in a lot more pain when I had the bottom two taken out. Having said that, I'm pretty tired of only chewing from one side of my mouth. Am I the only one who predominantly chews with one side of the mouth? It would be that side that I can't use now . . .
Great. Now I see lightening too. *crossing fingers that my power stays on*