Gonna rant about Orlando

Jun 20, 2016 13:46

I'll be happy to give a recap of what's been going on since the last update I put on here but first, I need to rant about something first:

Now, I know I'm late but there's been a rash of gun violence in this country since this country's been discovered/stolen/founded/colonized/started/whatever and it's starting to be a problem. Hence why I used "rash".

Now, I don't like guns. Being a black dude raised in the poor parts of town kinda turned me off of their appeal as to what they are. I also realize that the sole purpose of those things are to kill things. I mean, you can't cut a tree with a gun. You can't move a cloud with a gun.

Also, if someone can provide me with some visual proof of otherwise, just know that you're not changing my mind but you just revolutionized how far you'd go to prove a stranger on the internet wrong.

But anyway.

The fact is very simple, I don't like guns but do I think that guns are the problem in this country?

Not all the way.

The problem is and has always been about people. Crazy people who somehow manage to sneak through the cracks to act like they're mentally stable enough to function in society...until they can't keep up with the act anymore.

I repeat: This isn't a gun issue, it's a mental issue.

Rather than talk about how dangerous guns are (because let's face it, at this point, a lot of people are just happy to have something loud and destructive within their posession to keep themselves entertained), let's talk about exactly why we aren't making mental health into our top priority.

A lot of people at this point deserve to be in the mental health facilities because our society has turned into a group of apathetic, horny as hell, drug addicted, easily angered sociopaths with enough free time to plan some horrible stuff to do that may or may not influence the kids.

I mean, granted, we as a society were always this way but at least back in the day, people had hobbies to keep their hands busy. Then somewhere down the line, those hobbies started to cost more money than most folks had so now if you wanted to be a seamstress or something, you'd have to hope that someone you know is willing to let you use their sewing machine for free.

Society nowadays has now considered fucking over people, taking advantage of people and hurting people to be a good thing because as no one died, it "teaches character" or some bullshit like that. You know how I know I'm right? Because right now, we got Donald Trump running for President and is pretty close to winning should the idiots that vote for him have their way.

Give people like that a gun and it's only a matter of time before they go on a killing spree with the excuse of some well thought out way to say "I was afraid/offended/hurt/protecting myself".

The fact is simple.

Rather than talking about guns, I recommend that EVERYONE in America between the ages of 13-100 get a psychological evaluation just to root out the people that are one self induced bad day away from killing something and once you get those people rooted out...FUCKING HELP THEM GET BACK ON TRACK MENTALLY. It's not "normal" or "freedom" or whatever you want to call it to be a self-motivating, remorseless, budding psychopath simply because you felt like doing something crazy.

It's simple, people. If you got a problem, try to solve it, don't just try to get rid of it because humans have proven ON MULTIPLE FUCKING OCCASION that if you try to get rid of stupid, it just comes back STRONG AS FUCK (especially in America) but if you teach stupid a way to get smart. It'll practically get rid of itself.

omar mateen, donald trump, orlando, guns, america, rant, politics

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