Oct 28, 2005 21:43
Well Yesterday I felt like shit.
It seems that i have been taking a certain friend for granted.
At first this when i met this kid he seemed fairly kool. But After he became one of the koolest people i have ever known. He was there when i needed him and i was there when he needed me. He was an awesome person. He put up with a lot of shit. I would have stood up for him in any situation and probably still will. I heard a recent story that made me pissed. I felt like kicking everyones ass who did this kid wrong in that story. That was just fucked up but if were any other person i would i would say exactly that than feel the way i feel. The reason i felt like shit is because i had forgeten about this kid. I totally he ever existed. There was a time that i hated him too, for the very reason we once swore not too. I dont know if even remembers that. Well yea when this dude were to get online i wouldn't talked to him, he became one of the "invisible" people on my buddy list. When he left i really didn't say much to him and i really didn't feel bad. I kinda missed him but not a lot. And i felt really shitty cuz he would always ask about me when he talked to people and i really never even thought about talking about him. This dude has taken a lot of shit from me. He's put up with some of my stupidest shit. So have i with his but hey you dont get something for nothing. I also almost lost two of my best chick friends (well now really only one) becuase of him, just because i had to tell him that he was gonna get screwed over. I have done some pretty fucked up shit to him and i know he would love to get back at me and by all means he should cuz i deserve it from him. This man is the shit. This man is the koolest ever. So dude this is too you. Derv, you dude, are the shit. Love ya man. Thanx bro.